Chapter 5 Practise

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Mirabell looks surprised after I told her about what had happened. "You have to runaway".
"I can't runaway. What about all those innocent people? They will die Maia!". Mira had always been the most emotional of us.
"So will you if you don't do as I say".
"That doesn't matter if you also die" she says and raises her chin. She is stubborn like a donkey, no one can convince her.
"I can take care of myself" I tell her.
"I understand that, but I can't believe that you're willing to let all those people die".
"They want us to die!" I almost shout.
Mirabell answers with her puppy eyes.
"Allright, we'll help them, but how?"
"We'll fight with them" she says as if it's the most obvious thing to do.
"You can't even fight" I note.
"That's why you have to teach me"
"This is going to be a long night" I sigh. Mira is so happy that she claps her hands, I can't resist a smile.
"Now that you have learned how to hit someone, you need to fight with weapons" I say after many hours of failing.
"Do you have a gun?" Mirabell hopefully asked.
"Where would I get that?"
"I don't know, but it would be cool" she says with a grin on her face. I sigh.
"I only have these two" I say and pull up two, small knives from my pocket.
"Cool". It looks like Mira is starring at some delicious cake.
"I guess you didn't think about taking something to defend yourself with?"
"No" she says and looks sad. I immediately feel guilty.
"That's okay" I say and smile a little bit. Even though she's the same age as me she feels like a baby sister.
I quickly teach her the most important things about holding a knife and attacking.
"You're good at this!" I say encouraging.
"Really?". Her focused face turns into a big smile.
"Yeah, but we need to get some sleep now. I just have to ask Deyanira when she is planning the war to begin" I say. "Don't practise while I'm gone, nobody can know about this"
"Nobody can know about what?"

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