The Deathly Hallows

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Everyone looked at each other. "How- but you all just- and they look-" Mr. Lovegood stuttered.
"Shh... Xenophilius." Lydia purred, running a hand through her husband's hair. "There's nothing to be done here on our account." The second Hermione was the first to speak besides Mrs. Lovegood. "Malfoy." She said, pointing her wand at Draco.
 "Don't touch him." Said the Hermione who'd been with them all along, pointing her wand at the other Hermione. "Hermione, what's gotten into you- her - you?" Asked the other Ron.

"Well, don't ask me." Draco huffed.
"Polyjuice potion?" Suggested the other Harry, pulling out his wand and pointing it at Draco.
 "Look, Hermione, if that's really me and not just a Death Eater with Polyjuice." Other Hermione said, narrowing her eyes at Draco with the last part.
 "Oh, it's me alright. No one else knows about the shrine in second year..." Hermione said pointedly. 

"Shrine?" Luna asked, interested. "Oh, that's interesting. Hermione, have you started a religion recently?" 
Both Hermiones jumped. Other Hermione lowered her wand, then raised it again as an afterthought. "So what are you doing with Malfoy, of all people?" 

"Dating him." Hermione said.
"Snogging as well." Draco added. "Like, so much snogging." 
"Malfoy, stop talking. She's already got a wand pointed at you." Hermione sighed.
"Mental, that one." Said Other Ron.
Ron nodded, exasperated. "That's what I said, mate. But it was either him, or that nasty git Jones." "Jones?" Other Harry looked confused.
"Everybody sit down. We can tell our side of the story and you can tell yours." Ginny said. 

"We're on a bit of a tight schedule." Other Harry admitted. 
"You don't want to find out why I'm snogging Granger senseless all the time..." Draco trailed off at the looks Harry and Ron were giving him. 
"Gross, Malfoy." Harry sighed.
"I still think he slipped her something." Ron muttered. 

"That's what Hermione thought." Luna agreed. 
Draco glared at Hermione. "Rude." 
"What? I suddenly had feelings for my childhood nemesis." Hermione shrugged. "I bet you thought the same thing." 
"We're here about the Deathly Hallows and a symbol you wore to Bill's wedding...?" Other Hermione pressed. "As interesting as all of this is, we're a bit on the run...?" 

"Sit down." Xenophilius looked at Luna. "I'm sure we have... enough time. For all of the stories." 

So they all did.

Other Harry, Other Ron, and Other Hermione did not look impressed with their story. "So you're saying I'm dating Draco, and it all started as a way to get some annoying wizard of my back?" Other Hermione asked skeptically.
 Luna shrugged. "Technically, that was the start of the affair. But it all really kicked off when he was reading Pride and Prejudice for English class."
Other Harry frowned. "Pride and Prejudice?"
Harry shrugged. "It's pretty good." Then it was the others' turn. They started with sixth year.

When they were finished, Draco smirked, "I really wish we could show them your prophecies, Mrs. Lovegood. Not the one where Hermione gets tortured by my evil aunt, or anything, but like the one where I'm Head Boy, and Hermione's Head Girl-" 
Hermione clamped a hand over his mouth. "She'd shoot you, Draco. I think I like you better without holes in you." 
"Worried, Granger?" He asked, peeling her fingers away. 
"About your personality getting you killed? Yes, I am." 

"Any other reasons why they don't get to see 'the future'?" Luna asked.
Hermione shook her head. "Let's not go into that. We'll eventually see that one again. Not the one with Ron and me, but the one where, you know. Astoria Greengrass?"
Draco nodded, and put his arm around her. "What about the one where Harry and Ginny's son is going to Hogwarts?" 

Other Ron glared at Other Harry. "You better not break her heart again." He growled.
 "Ahem." Ginny cleared her throat. "Really Ron. You missed me saying I'd become a cheerleader for Harry." Draco and Hermione cracked a smile. "What so funny, Malfoy?" Other Ron demanded. "Short skirts." Was all he said before Ginny, Luna, Hermione and Draco all burst into laughter.

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