9. Revenge

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Violence Is Upcoming. Read at your own risk

Mallika slowly gains consciousness. She felt a terrible growl in her stomach. It's been 4 days since she ate or drink anything. Her head felt heavy and her legs felt empty.

She remembered how Sumedh used to force her to eat even though she doesn't want to. "I know the value of food now! I'll never deny eating again Sumedh! Please come to me as soon as possible. I'm waiting for you" she thought.

Not so far from the place she was sitting, she saw some slices of bread and fruits. She walked weakly towards the table. She took the bread but it was half moldy and ants were enjoying it. The fruits were rotten. Mallika was disappointed. But she really needs to eat something. Or else she and her little growing baby in her would die of starvation. She tore the moldy part and tends to eat a clear part of the bread. When she almost eats it, Krishn holds her wrist, stopping her from eating it.

"Poor Mallika! From eating, moist Choco cakes, and veg pizza now you're eating the leftover? Wow! What an improvement. Well, I'm not that bad to make you eat moldy food... Here are some apples with flaky salts... One of your favorite and simple breakfasts! Right? "

Mallika can't deny the fact that she is actually hungry and can't refuse it. He believed in him for the very first time. She used a fork to eat the apple. As she took a bite, she groaned in pain. "Ahrhhhhhhh". Her lips start bleeding. That cheat mixed glass pieces instead of salt. "I deserve this for trusting you bastard" she shouted. Tears escaped from her eyes in pain.

"Cthucthucthucthu! You deserve this for betraying me!" He shouted! He pushed her so that she falls to the floor. Krishn went close to him. As he came near, she moves backward. She moved, moved, and moved finally hitting the wall. Krishn was inches apart from her. He pulls out the tiny pieces of glasses from her lower lips.

"Wasn't this the same lips that kissed Sumedh a few months ago? Wasn't it supposed to be mine? Why did it attach with him" he raised his voice. Suddenly, his fingernails grew longer and sharper. "Why Mallika why? Didn't I love you? Yes, I did. Then why fuck did these rosy lips of yours kissed his lips? Why why why!" Krishn cut her lips with this sharp finger. Mallika didn't expect this sudden attack. The burning sensation on her lips was unbearable. She shouted in pain. Blood started to flow from her lips.

"Paining huh? This...this is how I felt too! This is nothing before the humiliation you have me. Feel the pain!" Saying this he wakes away. Mallika was crying. She couldn't tolerate the pain. She was hungry and now this pain. She tore a part of her shawl and cover her lips. Without realizing it, she slept in the sitting position.
Sumedh was under his shower, thinking about what are his wife and unborn child undergoing. Tears flow down together with the water. The only word that escaped from his mouth was, 'Mallika'. He misses those days he was with his wife, the way she annoys him to be by her side always, her naughtiness, cuteness, and her childishness. He didn't realize that he actually smiled but his eyes were pooled up. The smile on the pain it was!

After bathing, he wore shorts and a t-shirt.
'Sumi! Why is it only me wearing your clothes every time! Why not you?' he remembered Mallika's childish fight with him. He took on her sweatshirt which was actually big for her. He took off his t-shirt and wore Mallika's sweatshirt instead.
He took his painkiller and laid down on his bed. He could smell Mallika through her shirt. Slowly, Sumedh closed his eyes and slept.

'Mr.Sumedh, sorry for disturbing you when you're in your honeymoon time, but there's something serious going on. Some girls are kidnapped and after a week they are being killed. And that too in a brutal way. The similarity between their girls is their names. If you don't mind, can please shift to Pune!'

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