Bonus Chapter 1

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A bonus Chapter requested by mysticberry we gooo❤️

"Where did all these Mudgalkars' went!" Mallika yelled from the leaving room while carrying three separate and big heavy bags.

"Oh, God! I forgot about their breakfast!" She said and quickly kept the bags down and rushed to the kitchen.

She quickly made some pancakes with 4 different toppings. One with honey, one with Nutella, one with Hersey's chocolate syrup, and one with strawberry jam. She serves them on four separate plates and went to her room.

"Sumedh, wake them..." She was shocked to see, that all her three children who turned 5 a couple of days ago, are already awake. Sumedh was styling Ishant's hair into a spike after styling Ishana and Ishani's hair into two Beautiful French braids.

Mallika crossed her arms against her chest and lean on the door. "Erhm erhm! When did Mr. Daddy learn all these skills!"

"Just a night before Maa! Ishana and Ishani were torturing Papa to style their hair before going to Granny's house, so papa learned it yesterday!" Ishant glared at Ishana and Ishani for torturing his father, oops sorry, their father.

"I see! Then your papa can style mine too!"

"Ishant, say to you mummy, your papa can do anything! From styling to dressing!" He said mischievously.

"Sumedh! What are you talking about in front of the kids?" Mallika said sternly!

"It's ok maa! We heard nothing!" The triplets said in union.

Mallika frowned. "Ok ok kids, now go down! Your breakfast I ready on the dining table." Mallika sent them down!

"Are you mad Sumi! Why are you talking like that in front of your babies?"

"Why not? I mean one day they will know na?"

"They are just 5! They have much to go to know all that dear Hubby! Don't you dare to talk like that in front of them again! Or else.. " Mallika warned him.

"Or else what?" He pulled her closer, gluing his body to hers.

"I... I.. I'll.." Mallika was searching for words.

"You... You... You'll what?" He teased her back.

"I'll kill you!" She said while hitting his chest.

"Your eyes are always killing and now you too want?" He said seductively.

Mallika hugs her head as she was blushing.

"Aww, my wife if blushing after years!" Sumedh said and kissed her on her nose, shoulder and chin!"

"Uhhh!" The kids were exactly like 🙈🙉🙊 standing at the door.

Mallika pushed him back and adjusted her top.

"Babies, mummy asked you all to go down na, what are you doing here!" Sumedh asked them while smiling sheepishly.

Ishant: Well! Papa

Ishana: We came here to get our morning kisses from you!

Ishani: But it seems like Maa steals them from us!

Sumedh chuckled whereas Mallika felt embarrassed.

"Mummy doesn't steal yours, it was hers, now come! Have yours!" He said and kissed them on their cheeks.

"Happy? Now, let's go down!" All 5 of them went down. The triplets were eating their breakfast, whereas Mallika and Sumedh were packing their toys and some chips for them. As it was the summer holidays and that too for 3 months, the kids want to go to their grandparents' house. In a while, Mallika's dad's driver will come to fetch them up.

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