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after me and ash talked for a while zach said that it was time to go and ash h asked 

a;were do you guys have to go





g;so im a singer now

a;omg omg omg really so where do you need to go 

z;we're celebrating it because shes touring

g;touring with them

a;omg really 


z;guys we have to go

we  all laugh and walk out ash comes with than when we walked over to the wdw house jack walked out and hugged me and zach laughed along with ash and the rest of the boys came out and hugged me and then dani asked who "the good looking girl" beside zach was and i told him it was my best friend ash and he walked over and because she was also a limelight they all hugged and we went to chipotle zach,i,jack sat in the very back of the van ash and dani sat in the middle of the van and jonah and corbyn sat in the front dani and ash were talking and i was looking at my phone and when i turned it on this is what my lock screen was

we  all laugh and walk out ash comes with than when we walked over to the wdw house jack walked out and hugged me and zach laughed along with ash and the rest of the boys came out and hugged me and then dani asked who "the good looking girl" besid...

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i know zach and jack both saw it and jack was laughing while zach was blushing so i giggled and zach smiled and so jack texted zach and zach texted jack i got on Instagram and looked at some old photos of me and ash then i got several notifications on Instagram and all the boys followed me and zach texted me 

in love with zach herronWhere stories live. Discover now