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glennas pov

we sat in silence for about 5 minuets than eben said 

e;thats not the only secret iv been keeping from you glenna

g;what do you mean

e;last year when we were in different places i was hitting on kay and i could tell she was hitting on me so i was drunk off my ass i promise and we did some shit that im not really proud of

g;oh mg eben what the hell  

d;before you get mad glenna at least he told you

g;well eben is there anything  else 

e;no but is there any secrets you would like to tell me 

g;no but i can tell you when i have a secret i tell you iv never once kept a secret from you

e;im sorry glenna 

g;daniel have fun with your concert tonight i will see you tomorrow eben i will see you tomorrow 

d;glenna what are you doing are you feeling well because you have never missed one of our concert never

g;i just need some time to think ok daniel 

i than stood up and walked out the door leaving my phone on the bus and i walked up to everyone and said 

g;im not going to watch the concert tonight

a,k,z,t,ja,jo,c,kay,ka;hold on glenna you have never missed a why dont we concert never

g;i just need some time to think guys 

a;glenna if its about zach 

g;its not about zach i just want some time to my self i need some time to distress 

 ja;glenna go take your time we will talk to you after the show or tomorrow

g;ok guys you guys have like 5 minuets till you have meet and greats go take eben and daniel with you guys to please

the all go and i have the entire night to my self i go back on the bus grab my phone and i get a text from some one random

???:hey glenna sorry to bother you im coming to your show tomorrow and i was wondering if you wanna hang out before the show btw its ryan

g;ryan go away 

r;damn what happened to you last time we talked you were cool

g;well people change and why is your phone number different

r;because i got a new phone and damn did you change that much

g;yes now im going on a walk ttyl 


i walk out side  than a truck stopped the person rolled down the window and it was ryan so i said

g;ryan how do you find me 


g;of coarse

than it started to rain and ryan told me to get in so i did we drove around than he stopped were the buses are and kissed me i pushed him away and slapped him 

g;what the hell ryan

r;what i thought you and eben broke up

g;no we never did we just had a disagreement and how would you know

r;if you want me to be honest i saw eben and he looked pissed 

g;well leave me the fuck alone ryan 

i than got out of the truck and slammed the door and ran to the bus ryan than drove off and i got in the bus and i take my phone out of my back pocket  i wright in my notes because i knew eben would look at it and i told him what just happened and i said that i wasent mad at him but he should be mad at me because of the way i acted after he told me what happened and that i still loved him

the walk on the bus my phone on the table and i was in my bed crying eben walked over to my phone and read it i could tell he was pissed he than wrote something in my phone put it on the charger and put it on my bed were i always put it and i fell a sleep he fell asleep in his own bed 

*the next morning*

i wake up to my alarm clock and i knew eben set it because it was 7:30 and the alarm said

meet me outside in 1 hour and dont be late 

i was kinda scared what was he gunna do was he gunna dump me what was gunna happen i than took a shower all why dont we merch the leggings and the crop hoodie both pink and did natural make up again with my hair down i than walked out side 20 minuets early and saw eben in the bus with every one else i just sat outside and waited i noticed ryans truck was sitting outside by the bus so  i kept an eye out for him because i was still pissed about last night than they all came out ryan with eben and everyone else was recording what was about to happen all but zach kyla ash and jack ryan than hits eben and i go running over to them and than eben punches ryan and than they both looked at me i could tell something has been going on because eben's lip was bleeding and his eye was puffed up and ryan had several red marks on his face than they both walked over to me and eben hugged and kissed me and i could tell it hurt his lip because he pulled away and held his lip than ryan tried to hug me but i pushed him away and ran to the bus getting something to try to fix ebens face from puffing up any more than it had an i could tell it hurt him alot and i grabed his face and looked him in the eyes and said it will be fine i  love you not him than ryan got in his truck and drove off and zach looked at me and said

z;glenna why didnt yo get something for ryan

e,g;really zach 

g;your exactly like kay said you were you hoe you fucking dick you cheated on me and tell me 3 years later  i get pissed  at my boy friend and go for a walk and he kisses me i dont fucking wanna be with you or ryan 

z;thats not what i meant 

g;than what did you mean 

z;i mean you could of got him something thats it 

g;fuck you zach 

than ash walks over and slaps me i hit her back and say 

g;what the hell ash 

a;you slut you fucking only care about your self nobody else

g;ok so who helped you get to were you are now 

a;glenna see selfish bitch is what you are 

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