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glenna's pov

*the day of the wembely stadium show*

i wake up beside of eben he was still asleep i look at my phone it was 8:30 am and so i grabbed my earbud's and listened to music i was listing to angles and demand's by jayden hossler when eben woke up he looked at me and said in a sleepy voice you know the one that is really HOTT and said 

e;babe what are you doing and why are you listing to music 

g;i woke up at 8:30 this morning 

e;oh ok well why are you listing to music 

g; i was bored 

e;oh well im up now what do you wanna do 

g;i gotta get a shower and get ready for the show and get my shit packed for next week 

e;ugh please just stay and snuggle with me for a little bit


it was only 9:45 when he woke up and i got a shower around 10:15 and then kyla and jack woke up i normally face time ash when i wake up because everyone is normally up  before me but i didnt today and she just texted me

a;hey glenna im at a photo shoot rn dont ft me ok luv you

g;oh ok luv you 2 ttyl


i than walked over to eben zach kay jonah and daniel were still sleeping probably so me and eben watched dak and brody   just because we both love it and because eben and jonah are the one's who star in it than at 12:25 daniel and jonah walked into our tour bus and daniel sat on mine and eben's bed while the other's sat on the extra beds we had i had my make up done and i found a pair of zach's sweatpants so i had that on along with eben's hoodie and of coarse daniel had to point it out 

d;hey glenna are those zach's sweatpants and eben's hoodie your wearing

g;yes dani yes they are 

e;*looking confused* why zach's sweatpants 

g;because they were the only sweatpants i have

z;i cant believe you still have them 

g;i know i just found them 

*after the show*

me and eben walk to the bus zach and kay walk to the other bus and dani follows me and eben 

e;dani why the fuck are you following us

d;because i want to

g;dani what the hell do you want 

we get in the bus 

d;i want to talk to ash but she wont answer her phone 

g;she had a photo shoot today but i will tell her to call you later ok


dani leaves us alone then we get ready for bed me and eben go to sleep and the other's come to bed later 

*3 year's later*

i wake up in an apartment with violet beside me smiling and touching my face 

v;good morning mommy

e;she wouldnt sleep in her own bed

g;awe hi baby 

v;eben made pancakes and daddy want's to see me 

e;i will drive her over if you want me to 

g;no i can drive her who's house to drop her off at

e;at daniel's parent's house 

g;ok ill get ready 


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