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glennas pov

we walked out of our room and went to see if dani and ash were up yet they were and all the boys were there and same with tyler and ash so we sat on the couch 

g;daniel can you make pancakes zach still dont know how to turn on an oven

d;thats not a surprise but i can make them

z;ass holes

g;*sitting on zachs lap* you know you love us

z;*kissing glenna*i know i do 

d;ok you two we need to eat

g,z;oh i forgot

ja;how exactly

z;because her eyes are so beautiful 


t;ok so glenna you turn 19 today so i'm letting you guy's have a party tonight 


t;but no drinking no smoking or any thing you shouldn't do


t;and ash same with you


jo,ja,d,c,z;when were what time

t;tonight i dont care and i dont care

g;so i can stay up later tonight 



*10 minutes later*

d;the foods done

z;i want the first one

ja;no i get it


d;no i get it

g;guy's daniel should get it

z;*crossing his arms* rude

g;he made it 

d;thank you glenna

we sit down to eat ash sits on daniel's lap i sit on zach's and every one else sits on their seat we decide we are going to just have a party on the bus with just us and no one else and starting at 5:30pm so we go in what we already had on 

*at the party*

we had music blaring and lights on all the boys were not drinking yet but because they couldn't me and ash let them go to a club and we went to the mall 

z,c,d,jo,ja;can we drink tyler


g;how bout you two go to a club me and ash cant come because we are to young and we're pregnant well at least me so far

a;guys go a head me and glenna can go to the mall

g;ya really

z,ja,jo,c,d;tyler please

t;whatever but be back in 2 hours the girls will pick you guys up


t;glenna you guys want me to drive or do you wanna drive or do you want ash to 

g;i can drive

t;im going with the boy's ok


*at the mall*

me and ash went to the mall and we hung out for about an hour than we ran into gabbie and tate and talked 

g;were is kay 

ga;she's at some club drinking right now

a;what club 

we knew the boys were at some club right  now but not which one 

ta;im not sure why

a;because the boys are at some club 

ga;oh ok

than i got a text from tyler 

t;hey glenna what are you doing right now

g;im shopping

t;hi glenna its daniellllllllllllllllllllll 

g;hi daniel 

t;no daniellllllllllllllllllllllll

g;hi daniellllllllll


g;oml your so fucking weird dani

t;no im not

g;yes you are 

t;it's tyler again can you guy's pick us up now 

g;ya why

t;i'll tell you later

g;ok we'll be there in about 5 minuets 


g;hey we got to go right now can we talk later

a;wait why now

g;i dont know tyler just told me to pick them up now


g;*looking confused*what



ta;glenna you might wanna see this 

g;what is it

ga;*showing glenna the phone*

in love with zach herronOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz