7x02: The Garden

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My reactions while watching the episode...

- Octavia has certainly gotten better at swimming (granted a giant snake didnt try attacking her)

- the Octavia/Diyoza friendship has me so happy


- baby Hope is so cute


- Octavia BEING A MOM (and the "Thank You Bell" got me)

- so the name is SkyRing (later in the ep: HOPE CAME UP WITH THE NAME probably the name Octavia gave the Ark)

- the time differential is gonna be annoying

- "MY MOTHER, MY RESPONSIBILITY" IM DEAD (and Echo DEF knows where that came from)

- Octavia is now gaining a new appreciation for Bell and how he was able to raise her in secret

- when Octavia and Echo are more alike than they realize

- Gabriel is such a nerd its adorable


- stay here for 5 YEARS

- Diyoza helping and protective Octavia makes me so happy

- well Hope just said what the entire Bellarke Nation has been wanting. That Echo stabbed her boyfriend's sister and threw her off a cliff


- THEY KNEW BECCA WHAT THE HELL (but thay also makes sense with the mind drives)

- THIS FAMILY (Octavia, Diyoza, and Hope)

- Octavia passing on what her mom taught her. Hope being Octavia's second mom makes me so happy

- My heart is breaking for Hope and Octavia.


- Diyoza just wants the family she has and Octavia wants to tell Bellamy she gets why he has done everything he has

- Octavia's letter to Bellamy makes my heart hurt so much (it reminds me of Hopper's letter to El at the end of season 3 and now I'm sobbing again)


- Gabriel has so much faith in his friend, but idk if it will actually come to anything

- Echo being empathetic and understand is what I was waiting for and I'm loving it

- DAMN IT the prisoner broke the memory reader

- cursing results in dish duty that's BRILLIANT


- Poor Hope, she lost them both

Overall thoughts...

- so I actually loved that this entire episode was a look into the Anomoly (or the Bridge) and not Sanctum. Having a look into where Octavia went, how Hope knows her, and seeing Diyoza was so great.

- seeing how Echo, Gabriel and Hope get along is fun to watch. Gabriel is the nerd, Echo is the muscle and Hope is the informer. But they don't really get along at this point. It will be interesting to see how that changes throughout the season.

- Diyoza is such a great mom. She just wants peace for her daughter and she doesn't want any more war. If you had told me that in Season 5, Diyoza would be a peaceful, non fighting/cursing loving mom, I would have said you were crazy.

- Octavia finally seeing and understanding WHY Bellamy did everything he did makes me so happy. She has HATED him for so long, for the things he's done and helped with. But she finally has someone who she needs to protect, someone she would do ANYTHING for. And she finally understands. I wish she had kept her memory when she came back. Because it could have been an entirely different reunion if she had.

- Hope is just doing what she can to save her mom AND Octavia. No one can fault her for that, especially since just about EVERYONE is The 100 had done something similar. Hell, even Echo is doing that RIGHT NOW trying to find Bellamy.

- I was not expecting to see Becca again, but it makes sense because she developed the Commander AI and Alie. I do like how they are thing it all together though. Also we can all blame Becca for literally everything, so it gives fans someone to hate if things go bad.

- I hope that when they get Octavia and Diyoza back, Octavia has her memories back. Because I think it would be really cool/sweet to see that with all the others around. But it could also show Octavia's journey back to herself and out of the darkness. And I guarantee if Hope says "My Mother, My Responsibility" around Bellamy, he will just look at Octavia and see the woman, the surrogate MOM she has become.

- I also really want Hope and Madi to be friends. And Jordan. Like bring the next generation together, all with different experiences that could help in multiple situations. All three of them are alike in the fact that they grew up with no other kid around, survival was hard but they did it, and unfortunately they were all dealt hard hands pretty early in life.

So I think that's about it for this episode. Please let me know what all of you think about this episode and your predictions for the next.

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