7x03: False Gods

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My reactions while watching the episode...

- what exactly are they monitoring??

- stabilizing the anaomly??? Maybe???


- oh damn those are some terrifying blisters 😬😬

- saying the offical goodbye to Abby hurts my heart so much

- "burning down the palace was a bit extreme" A BIT??? GAIA IT WAS MAJORLY EXTREME

- ok but I got to say, I LOVE Gaia's outfit in this scene

- "their fight is over" MY HEART

- J.R.'s acting is just SUPERB. much respect to Papa Argent and Russel Prime, now Sheidheda

- Sheidheda knows where to hit, like damn

- I do miss Delilah, gotta say she was super sweet


- Jordan is stuck and doesn't know what to do. He's trying to be his own man but save everyone like his parents wanted

- Murphy and Emori MY LOVES

- the fact that RAVEN is the one constantly walking in on Murphy and Emori makes me inexplicably happy, idk why

- I JUST noticed Raven got her red jacket back. It's not her original but OG RAVEN HAS MADE AN APPEARANCE

- Jordan's just trying to do something good and Sheidaheda is being a bitch and taking advantage of it

- Murphy volunteering to go into the Core shows his growth (tho I can't be sure if he was volunteering himself or Clarke)

- Indra being a bad bitch and not taking any shit but at the same time, Madi DOES need to show up

- Gaia wanting to tell the truth about the Commander is not what I was expecting


- Gaia should be a leader, she knows her people and how to speak (but not enough to keep everyone together)

- Raven sucking up her hatred to ask the Eligius Crew for help shows just how much she has grown as a person. She doesn't trust them for anything, but she did what she needed to to help everyone survive

- in for alcohol, that actually makes so much sense

- Jordan using Monty is a low blow and it hurts, even though he makes a very food point

- Raven is basically sending them to their deaths, I no longer think that's a growth of character. I love Raven, but that's a bitch move

- Murphy hyping up Emori (IM SO SINGLE)

- EMORPHY(idk their ship name I feel like a fake fan) IS SO CUTE

- Sheidaheda is an ass, but he's good at playing Russel

- f that man who just shot Russel

- The Eligius crew doesn't want to die either



- Raven HELP THEM, right now you are being a bitch

- I love Raven to death, but right now I'm hating her for what she is doing (and not doing)

- "be a cockroach" best line ever


- I can see Hatch and Murphy having a really weird friendship and it will be great

- Murphy believes in redemption

- I knew it was coming, but I didn't want Hatch to die

- and now Raven feels guilty (tbh she should)

- Raven now sees where Murphy has always been

- Clarke and Gaia's friendship is so beautiful and so different to the other friendships in the show, it's refreshing

- Sheidaheda trying to bring out the worst in everyone (JACKSON WAS SO SWEET, IF HE TURNS JACKSON I WILL BE SO UPSET)


Overall thoughts...

- Raven has offically lost who she is. She was always one of the character who stayed true to herself and, with the exception of season one, didn't take other people's lives for granted. She used the Eliguis crew, knowing EXACRLY what she was doing. She needed to fix the problem, but she also got revenge at the same time. And after, when they were all dead, she actually processed what she did.

- I think that is actually going to change how she moves forward. How she does things and who does then for her.

- I know I've said this a lot in this reaction but MURPHY AND EMORI!!! ok seriously, I'm in love with them. They both truly love each other and this episode really showed their growth. They went from cast away delinquent we all loved but were supposed to hate and thief/con artist to THIS.

- Murphy being the voice of reason for Raven is such a twist but it's so beautifully ironic. First the fact that Murphy is the voice of reason and moral compass is jarring enough. But the fact that he is telling Raven of all people what is the right thing to do is just interesting.

- Clarke this episode was inter wa sting. She is still trying to cope with losing her mom, finally giving her a goodbye. On top of that, she is trying to create peace in a place that honestly doesn't look like it wants it. The people are divided, and peace looks nearly impossible right now.

- Indra this episode was just a bad bitch. She is a true advisor, one who has seen much. But still they don't listen to her. Gaia telling Wonkru the flame is gone might have worked, but Indra knew her people better.

-Sheidheda is a bitch and I hate him. My god he is playing literally EVERYONE AND TWISTING EVERYTHING TO HIS WILL. But kudos to J.R. Bourne because his acting is just PHENOMENAL.

I think that's about it for this episode. Let me know what you thought about episode 3.

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