Chapter 17

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Marlene's p.o.v

The phone barely rang and he answered
Luca=can we talk about the whole situation?
I looked at him his eyes were red and puffy. His cheeks were pink and his hair was messy. The door opened and in came Princess
Me=hey princess
She jumped onto my bed and seen Luca on my phone screen and she barked at him and wagged her tail
Luca=hi princess
He said through the phone smiling she kept barking
Luca=you taking care of Mar?
She barked and looked up proud we laughed
Me=yes you are right mama
She licked my face
Me=aww my little baby
I kissed her nose
Luca=she's big now
He hasn't seen Princess in over a month
Luca=about the Instagram post and my comment
He cleared his throat I slowly pet princesses head
Luca=I didn't mean to say or reply anything like that. It was just in the moment-
Me=everything is just in the moment for you
He sighs
Luca=I know I use it as a excuse and i shouldn't be but I am. I don't like the fact that you aren't mine. Now that we're both single all those guys can now slide into your dms like nothing. I want it to be like it was before-
Me=I don't Luca. I don't want to worry about my boyfriend letting some random girl he told me not to worry about be all up on him! I don't want to have any more anxiety attacks! I don't want to feel the need to fake a smile or laugh. I don't want to feel anymore pain
He looked at me and started to tear up
Me=I was diagnosed with anxiety 2 months after!!
Princess moved her head so my hand could go under her. She does this to calm me down
Me=I never faked a smile or laugh until you started to cheat on me! I stayed and thought to myself if we can get through this together we can get through anything! I had hope that we could keep going on and fight thorough it but I guess you didn't! You kept doing the same things that you said you wouldn't do anymore!! I lied to myself saying we could last forever-
Luca=don't say that we just need some time
Me=some time?! SOME TIME?! Luca we had all the time in the world and you fucked it up!! I FUCKED IT UP! I was stupid and stayed with you knowing you wouldn't stop! Knowing you really didn't care!! You made me look stupid! I was a fool thinking you cared about us! I really was, you never cared-
Luca=I did ca-
Me=if you did care then why?! Why would you do it?! What did they have that I didn't!? You told me I had everything you wanted you told me I was everything you ever needed and wanted!?
Luca=you are!
Me=if I am then why?
Luca=I don't know!
Me=you never know!
I sat up and leaned against the bed frame. Princess laid on my lap
Luca=I love you
Me=yeah, you told me that last week
Me=I'm not your babe! Okay? I'm not your Mar! I'm not yours! I'm nothing to you but some random girl you fucked up with! I'm nothing to you but a girl you messed up! Alright! I'm nothing to you!
Luca=Mar I-
Me=Marlene. It's Marlene not Mar
He sighed
Luca=can I at least go to the party?
Me=I'm canceling it
I lied.
Me=cause I can!
He sighed
Luca=I just wanna say sorry and I'm sorry for what I did and what I put you through. I truly did love you and I still do. I miss you and knowing that you are mine. I miss us. I just know this isn't the end
Me=maybe it is
Luca=do you think this is actually the end?
I looked at him he had hope in his eyes. Hope that I wouldn't give up on us so easily
Me=Luca I don't know
Luca=if you had the chance to go back with me would you?
I think about
Me=i don't know. If I had the chance but it stayed the same then I wouldn't. If there is change maybe I would go back but I most likely won't
I say sighing and scratch princesses back
Me=Im in a place right now where I don't regret anything I did. But one thing I do regret is crying over you. Crying that our relationship was over.
Luca=I don't regret crying over our relationship. I cried and cried Jeremy even saw. It hurts
Me=I know it does, trust me I've been hurting way before we broke up
Luca=how are we going to tell the fans?
Me=I made a video explaining the situation so when I upload it watch it. I explained my side of the story but you can also explain why you did it. If you want you don't have to
Luca=I won't. Well I'm going to go and sleep and get my mind off things. Stay safe and be careful please.
Me=alright you too
Luca=wait before I go can I ask you something?
I nod
Luca=can we stay as friends? I don't want to lose you completely
I look at him
Me=uh sure yeah
Luca=we don't have to if you don't want to
Me=no it's fine we can be friends
He smiles
Luca=alright bye
Me=bye Luca
I hang up
Me=sorry for me yelling bebe
She looks at me and licks my face I laugh
Me=I'll take that as forgiveness
I grab her cheeks and kiss her nose
Me=my pretty baby
She smiles
Me=what a cute little smile you have mamash
She barked
Me=wanna go for a walk?
She jumps out of the bed and runs out the room.
Me=I guess that's a no
I laugh and grab my laptop and start to edit the video

10:34 p.m

It was already 10:34 I finished editing the video and finished uploading it. I got a FaceTime call from Harvey I answer it



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