chapter two- blue flower crown

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It was expected. To Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Mr. D, it was expected that you were in fact one Demeter's children. After hours, and hours, of useless training, after eight, long, grueling days of nothing but pain, and stress... it was finally decided. You were so happy. So happy you knew who your mother was. The rest of the camp however, was one of two things.
Shocked. Disgusted.
Shocked that one Demeter's children was still alive after the awful tragedy that took place. When you asked about it, they said you weren't ready, so you let it go. On the contrary, they were disgusted. Disgusted that you even had the balls to come here. Disgusted that Mr. D was okay with it. So they made fun of you. Called you names. They hated you. You didn't know why they did. But, they did. Your ex-father hated you. So, what's the difference. They difference was, was that no matter what, the names would always get to you, no matter how hard you kept pushing them away, it was like they were embedded into your mind forever. These names made you cry. You just wanted to crawl under a rock and never come back out when they called you these names. Because when you cried, more people came and pointed at you. And laughed.
"Idiot. F*ggot. Loser. Dumb. Fat. Ugly. Worthless. Grain-Brain. Dickhead. Scum. Baby. Crybaby. Piece of shit. Illiterate. Weak. Girly. "
But, there was always one name in particular. One name that always stuck with you. One name that kept popping up in your mind more than any other name did. It wasn't a mean name. No, not at all, you absolutely loved it.
You loved it because Percy came up with it. You loved it because only Percy called you it. You loved the way it sounded, rolling off of his tounge so easily. Of course, occasionally, you'd get Annabeth, Grover, or someone who didn't want you dead call you it. You didn't mind. But, they way Percy said it. Oh my god's.
The name?
Flower Boy.
"Hey, Y/N whatcha' doin'?" exclaimed Percy. It was almost sunset, and your testing for the day was done. "Oh! Just, um,- hehe- makin' flower crowns." You loved making them, ever since you were a little kid. You don't even remember how you learned such a skill. But, you had it anyways, it was therapeutic. It was, kind-of, embrassing though- at-least, that's how you felt. A boy shouldn't be sitting on a beach making a blue flower crown for noone. Percy thought different. "Oh! That's cool! Actually, I can't do arts and crafts to SAVE MY LIFE! Make me one sometime?" Percy looked into your bag, where you had you supplies and some already made ones. You chuckled, "Okay, okay." Wait. Percy loves blue. If you wanted to win his heart (oh look! an oblivious boy, trying to win another boy's heart. how cute <3) you needed to do things he loved.. so you gave him the blue flower crown.
"H-here.. you can have this one. You like blue, right?" You asked. You already knew the answer. But, just in case, you asked anyway. "Like blue? Y/N, I love blue. Thank you." Percy hugged Y/N causing both of the boys' cheeks to be tinted with the little bit of pink. "You're welcome, Percy. If they die just lemme' know. I can easily make a new one for you." Y/N waved his palm in the air, causing a flower to appear. It was the start of an attack, where he could throw flowers out of his palms, but instead of a cute little stem, it was a very, very, sharp blade almost. The best part was, was that the flowers were real. Percy looked up at the sky, realizing it was getting dark. "Hey, it's getting dark and kinda cold. You gonna head back?"
"Bye, Percy." Y/N waved, as they were started to walk away from each other.
"Bye, Flower Boy!"
                              ×end of flashback×
Y/N smiled sweetly, thinking about the memory. It didn't even happen too long ago. Maybe three or four days ago. Y/N finally decided he should go to sleep. He head to wake up early in the morning, training with Annabeth again.
As he drifted asleep, he wondered what Percy did with that flower crown. Or if he even remembers it. Maybe he IS making fun of you, and you're an idiot. Or, maybe, you're just over thinking again. You hoped for the second option. Then you fell asleep, finally.
  Percy slightly smiled, while drifing into slumber. Then blushed. Because he looked over to his left, where his blue flower crown sits, mounted to the wall. It wasn't completely blue. There were other colours on it. Like pink, white, and green. But, Percy didn't care. Heck, Y/N could've given him a fully pink and purple crown, and Percy still wouldn't care. The fact that it was blue, and that Y/N knows his favourite colour is blue, is the thing that makes his heart flutter. He loved when people listened to him. To Percy, it showed that they cared, and it was obvious to Percy... and maybe a few others.. that Y/N cares about Percy alot. And vice versa.The scent filled up the room, making it smell like spring. He took a deep-breath, then fell asleep, dreaming about Flower Boy. Dreading to be woken up.

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