chapter 4- jealously

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thank u all for 4 the support on the book, it means tons! really, it does!

During dinner, Y/N had his share of green beans, mashed potatoes, and some chicken. Usually, Y/N would offer that to the God's after, but he needed something to distract him. Percy and Annabeth's constant play-flirting was starting to tick him off. He knew he shouldn't be acting this way, it was pitiful, the way he was acting. Pitiful because he was a boy, still in the closet, watching his crush basically refuse to acknowledge his existence, flirt with Annabeth. Y/N had nothing against Annabeth, despite her stealing the love of his life, and being an annoying, selfish little bit-
Maybe he should seek some sort of counselling soon. He thought all of this while making small talk with Grover. He liked Grover, as a friend of course. But, he really needed to ask him something, but not now. Why not now? Easy, because Percy and Annabeth were present. Still.... flirting. Ugh. Everytime he looked over, he he felt puke come up  in his mouth. He would swallow it down though. He would swallow down the feeling of heartbreak, and rejection. Finally he had enough.
"Sooo.... that's the story of how I almost got myself killed," Grover stated. You fake laughed. Like tou had been the whole time. Luckily, you were good at it. No one suspected a thing.
"That was great Grover, really," you ended with a little chuckle. To make it sound real. "Well, I better get going.. I'm tired," you stated. That, was real. You were tired. Very.
"Alright, later man."
You walked over to put your plate away. Luckily, you saved some of your food. Most people thought not saving some of it for the God's was selfish. You didn't, but you saved some anyways. Afterwards, you finally layed in bed. You realized you hadn't said goodbye to Annabeth, or Percy.
'God's..' you thought.
'I'm so rude. Sad. It really is pitiful.'
The next day, you caught up with Grover.
"Hey, Y/N! How you doin'?"
"I'm great! You?"
"Couldn't be better."
You went to go have lunch with Grover. It was nice, talking, eating. You two were great friends, really. You were enjoying the conversation until Grover said something about the two people walking up behind you. You turned around to see who it was, dreading it, because you already knew. Of course, it was him and of course, he was with her. He was always with her, wasn't he? They both sat down. Percy next to you, Annabeth next to Grover, across from Percy. You all, had a conversation this time, together, not two converations at once. You had a big grin on your face, probably making you look like a doofus. But, everytime you would look at Annabeth, it would fade. Just a little. You knew why, you just didn't want to admit it. You knew why you had stopped training with the her, instead training with Grover. You didnt want to believe it. But, if you didn't believe it, you would suffer with the feeling of guilt. Slowly but surely it would be crawling away at you. Somehow, someway it would eat you alive. Like you fell victim to a cannibal.
So, when you looked at Percy, and your smile grew back again, you started to believe. You started to believe in jealously.
You were jealous.
Personally, you didn't like the word. It just- felt so gross saying it. But, here you were.
Saying that,
'Yes. I am jealous.'
601 words

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