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In the parking lot of Murthy industries..
Manik's pov
Why isn't she coming? I'm so desperate to meet her. Let me call her once

Calling ...
"Hello manik! Just a minute and I'll be there. Actually had some work so i got stuck", said the girl on the phone

"Okay nandu! Come fast I'm so eager to see you"
And they hung up

After 5 mins nandu arrived

Manik pulled her towards her and lay his hand protectively on her waist. And Nandini put her arms around his neck.
" Missed me so much Mr. Malhotra!"
" Yes nandu and finally i have you in my arms"

And they hugged tightly but consciously so that no body watched them.

They broke the hug and..
" Nandu, I love you"
"Mani, I love you too"
And he kissed her lovingly on her cheeks.
" Nandu, you know our parents know each other so well but still we can't disclose our relationship to them since they aren't very fond of love marriages and I can't wait to marry you nandu. They've already started seeing girls for me now how do I tell them about you?"

" Manik, honestly even I don't know how to handle this . I just hope that the partnership of Malhotra and Murthy industries brings them the idea of getting us married to each other!"

Coughing coughing...

" So it seems that you guys are in a big trouble", said the boy from behind

" Why do you always have to disturb us ?", Manik asked irritated

"Cabirrrrr.. How did you come here mann!?", nandu said excitedly

"Nandu, dad gave Manik some work and he was to be found nowhere in the Malhotra industries but I was sure that he's with you and here he is! But for now I've an idea to solve your problem", said cabir

"Whattttttt ideaaa cabirrr??", Manan asked excitedly
"That's a surprise! For now Manik can you please come with me to the Malhotra industries. You'll have no answer if anybody catches you both here and forget about getting married then"

" okay Cabir, bye nandu" Manik kissed her cheeks lovingly and whispered i love you in her ears to which she blushed...


"Manik see we have found a girl for you. Tell us if you like her", said Manik's mom
" No mum I ain't interested"
" Fine manik be ready they'll come to see you tomorrow and no more ifs and buts", said Mr Ram Malhotra

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