Part 2

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Days have passed since the night Wooyoung first saw Insoo... yet the boy hasn't left his mind at all, Seonghwa picked up on it quickly the boy was acting just as dazed as he did at the show, their friends Yeosang, Jongho and Yunho were all a little lost since they weren't there.

"Hyung is Wooyoung okay?" Yeosang asked Seonghwa after Wooyoung left to go to one of his classes.

"Huh... I think Wooyoung is crushing on someone" Seonghwa explained he wasn't sure if he was correct on that, maybe Wooyoung was just a fan.

"Wait, who? Wooyoung has never actually fallen in love, right?" Yunho asked, looking at Yeosang and Seonghwa since they knew him the longest.

"He liked someone once, but it was long ago... but the person who caused him to be like this is Song Insoo..." Seonghwa explained.

"Wait as in the rocker Insoo? The one with the multiple piercing and who looks scary as hell?" Jongho asked, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Yeah, remember how we went out on saturday? Well we went to the club where they were performing and Wooyoung literally couldn't take his eyes off him even if I spoke to him he couldn't even form a proper sentence"

"That... Did you tell him about Insoo? Wooyoung has never seen him before and we all know he is too innocent to believe any rumors about him" Yeosang asked worriedly, Wooyoung was his best friend, he didn't want him to fall for someone like Insoo.

"I couldn't Wooyoung was really out of it that night he was so dazed that I struggled to get him home, he wasn't even drunk he completely blanked out after seeing him"

The group of friends were all speechless, Wooyoung was known around campus as someone who was pure and innocent, he always saw the good in everyone no matter what he didn't care how shitty you were he believed that there was some good in you.

But with him being like this over someone like Insoo, someone so insensitive to other's feelings made them scared that their friend will end up being ripped apart by seeing not everyone is as good as he believes.

Wooyoung was walking towards his class, he had held his needed books in his left hand up and an umbrella in his right hand, it looked like rain the whole day and he knew it would be better to hold it close than leave it behind.

His class passed slowly, he couldn't really focus, his head was still lingering on saturday with Midnights performance, he couldn't get Insoo out of his mind no matter what he tried, if he closed his eyes he saw the boy when he was dancing somehow his mind would go to the song they played... it was almost as if someone implanted Insoo in his mind.

Once his class was finally over, Wooyoung wondered a little, he wanted to wait for Yeosang's class to be over so they could go to the dance rooms together.

As he was walking around it started raining, he was almost out of the building when he heard small snores coming from the small seating area in his department, he looked around a little until he found where they were coming from.

And there laid a boy, his black hair covering half of his face, he felt his heart speed up a little bit as he got a little closer to the boy, his footsteps woke the boy up which caused him to freeze the moment their eyes met.

"What are you looking at kid?" the guy asked in an annoyed voice as he collected his hair together and tied it up in a small ponytail.

"I- uh well"

"Spit it out already, I don't have time for stuttering," The guy said and rolled his eyes. Wooyoung could now see his face clearly, no blinding stage lights, no dim club lights... right in front of him sat Insoo and he was even prettier in daylight.

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