Part 9

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The exams kept Wooyoung and Insoo busy but they still met up from time to time to study together, even when they were in different years. Wooyoung basically lived at Insoo's house he would go over to study and then Insoo's mom wouldn't let him go home since it was already quite late when they finished.

Their exams were almost over, and once again Wooyoung was at Insoo's house, the older boy went to go get take out and Wooyoung stayed behind to set the table with Insoo's mom.

"Aunty, do you maybe need a hand around the shop? I won't be going home this break so I am looking for something to do" he asked her, she instantly smiled at him.

"That would be wonderful Woo, I have a big event to do flowers for and I need some help, so if you don't mind I would love the help"

Wooyoung was really happy hearing that, he couldn't go home this break since his family was quite busy and with all his friends going home he was scared it would be a little lonely but now it won't be.

When Insoo returned they all ate dinner together and just talked a bit.

"Wooyoung how many exams do you have left?" Insoo's mom asked.

"I have one tomorrow then I am done with all my exams, I will stop by tomorrow after I am done to come to help out at the shop," Wooyoung said and Insoo's mom smiled and nodded at him.

When dinner was over they cleaned up and once they were done Wooyoung and Insoo went to study a bit more before eventually going washing up and going to sleep.


Wooyoung's exams ended and he couldn't be happier, he said his goodbyes to his friends before going to the flower shop.

He greeted Insoo's mom and went to place his things upstairs, Insoo was still busy writing his exam so Wooyoung helped place the flowers in their buckets and moved things where they needed to be.

When Insoo eventually came home after his exams were done he also started helping out a bit which gave his mom time to go work on the flowers for the events. Insoo and Wooyoung just talked to one another when their work was done and they were waiting for customers.

Wooyoung found himself looking at Insoo a lot more since the concert that kicked off their exam season, he waited for the older to smile again but he never really did again, but Wooyoung still saw his smile in his head every time it was something he basically engraved in his mind.

When they closed up shop Insoo's mom went out with some of her friends as it was one of their birthdays so it left Insoo and Wooyoung alone, they ordered Pizza and watched some movies.

Wooyoung picked up on the fact that Insoo seemed more out of it than he usually did and it worried him a little.

"Hyung is everything okay?" Wooyoung asked the older boy, who just looked at him for a bit before shaking his head.

"What did you think of me when you first saw me Wooyoung?" he suddenly asked.

"Well, your voice was really emotional it contrasted with you a lot since you looked really emotionless and so did you eyes but then my friends mentioned there were rumors that you were quite aggressive and hard to deal with but I felt they were just that rumors, sure you were a little harsh when we first met but I think you had your reasons," Wooyoung said.

"Hmm... those rumors aren't really true or false, they started one day... we finished up at the club where we usually play, I was dealing with a lot back then so I had one too many drinks, I got a phone call from my dad and it didn't go well, he is quite hard to handle... he isn't the nicest of people, he used to hit me and my mom if we went against his wishes but now we are rid of him luckily, but anyway he called me telling me I will be taking over the family business I turned it down immediately but we got into a fight and since then those rumors started going around" Insoo said.

He wasn't sure what made him want to open up about these things, it was stuff he kept locked up as he didn't want pity from anyone but when it came to Wooyoung he felt the younger boy would be different than most when it came to these things, and he wanted him to know these things, he wanted the boy to understand him even if he wasn't sure why it was so important to himself that Wooyoung would understand him.

"Is that why you are like this hyung? I mean like emotionless? Was it because of him?" Insoo nodded a little.

"Yeah, if I didn't express myself or talk he wouldn't get angry so we wouldn't get into trouble but in the end, I suppressed my emotions so much that I forgot how to actually feel anything in the end"

"That sucks so much hyung, I wish I knew you when you were younger I would have comforted you and I would've been there for you," Wooyoung said and took the older's hand in his and gave it a small squeeze.

"Thank you... but you know somehow after meeting you, I feel warmer inside I am slowly starting to feel emotions again and it gets scary at times but I don't mind, it feels like I am slowly becoming human again"

Wooyoung looked at him, his eyes tearing up a little as he listened to Insoo, he was happy, happy to know he could have such an effect on someone, happy to know he could make Insoo feel again it really meant a lot to him.

Insoo looked at Wooyoung and patted his head softly and smiled a little at Wooyoung's reaction, and let out another small thank you.

They stayed like that for a little bit before they turned their focus back to the movie, Wooyoung laid with his head on Insoo's shoulder, he felt really comfortable with the older boy and somehow he felt relaxed and at ease whenever Insoo was around and he wouldn't want it any other way.

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