Part 10

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Wooyoung and Insoo were at the flower shop, it was a quiet day which was a good day for Insoo's mom to go see their supplier for a fresh new stock of flowers, with the seasons changing she wanted to choose the prettiest flowers she could find for the shop.

The bell rang and in walked a familiar boy, Wooyoung started smiling a little.

"Welcome Yunho~," Wooyoung said teasingly, he knew why the older was there and they talked about it the night before.

"Hi... uhm so the flowers, I don't actually know what to get" he said, it was clear that Yunho was nervous, as he kept fiddling with his fingers.

"Lucky for you my mom already made one for you before leaving, it's Mingi's favorites," Insoo said and went to fetch the flowers for Yunho, he handed them to the boy who couldn't help but smile.

"Wish me luck... " he said before taking a deep breath and leaving.

Yunho was planning on confessing, sure he hasn't known Mingi all that long but he really like the boy, they hung out a lot aside from meeting up with the groups and he found himself falling quite quick, it was scary at first but in the end, he decided to just act on his feelings instead of hiding away.

"Mingi won't reject him right?" Wooyung asked himself but Insoo still heard him.

"Just so you know... Mingi had a crush on Yunho since freshman year, there is no way he will reject him" Insoo said before going to a customer that just walked in, Wooyoung found himself smiling a little, he was really happy to hear that it made him feel at ease.

He watched Insoo as he was helping the customer, and found himself getting a little dazed, Insoo had this effect on him, focusing around him was quite hard his heart would speed up with even the smallest action the older did, he smiled more often now and Wooyoung loved it, he kept wondering what his laugh would sound like, he could only imagine how beautiful it would be.

They closed up earlier since they weren't really busy. Insoo wanted to go on another little adventure like he did the first time with Wooyoung.

The two were on Insoo's bike. They went to a lot of different places they just wanted to get out and relax from everything and somehow they only felt like they could relax when they were together.

They stopped at a playground, they ran towards it like little kids and just played around and once they were a little tired they flopped down on the grass, Wooyoung couldn't help but laugh he was having so much fun and Insoo found himself looking at Wooyoung and he felt his chest bubbling a little.

And then it happened, Wooyoung heard the prettiest sound he ever heard, Insoo started laughing and it sounded like music to Wooyoung his heartbeat sped up and he found it hard to breathe and that's when it struck him... he liked Insoo. He was in love with Insoo.

When they got back to the flower shop Insoo went to the bathroom and Wooyoung took the opportunity to call Yeosang, he knew the boy would know how to handle this, he has been dating the longest and he knew Wooyoung the longest he knew him well enough to help him with this.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit," Wooyoung said then hung up, Insoo gave him a curious look, he walked in right on time to hear him say that.

"Do you need to go somewhere?" Insoo asked him

"Huh? Oh yeah, Yeosang and Jongho came back earlier than planned and they wanted to have a movie night with me" Wooyoung said with a small smile.

"I see, Sannie is also coming back today... I was actually going to ask you if you would like to join us but your friends are important, so I will go drop you off" Insoo said with a smile.

"Thank you hyung"

The two left almost right after Insoo dropped off Insoo at Yeosang and Jongho's apartment before going to San.

The moment Wooyoung got into his friend's apartment he laid down on the couch and hugged a pillow his head was a mess, he couldn't believe he fell for Insoo... he knew he shouldn't have. It was too complicated for Insoo.

"Okay so tell me what's up with you," Yeosang said as he sat down on the floor in front of his friend.

"I'm in love," he said and then let out a sigh.

"Okay cool so anything new?" Jongho asked as he sat down next to Yeosang.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Wooyoung asked, sitting up and crossing his legs.

"Woo, you have been in love with Insoo from the beginning from the day you saw him on that stage... you have been infatuated with him and you hung out with him a lot it only leads to your feelings becoming deeper, you like him a lot" Yeosang said patting his friend's leg.

"Okay but like I can't be in love with him... it will only end badly" Wooyoung said with a frown.

"How do you know it will end badly? You haven't even tried" Jongho said with a sigh.

"He only recently started feeling emotions again, he won't feel the same for me"

"How sure are you? You literally made him feel things again Wooyoung for all you know he might like you! Don't give up just yet, it's still too early to give up that easily" Yeosang said to him trying to cheer his friend up a little.

Wooyoung sat and thought a bit sure it was true what Yeosang said but he was scared to get hurt as well, but he also couldn't imagine not being around Insoo so even if it meant hiding his feelings forever he would do it.

Only You//Ateez (Wooyoung) // (MaleOC!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon