Part 7

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Wooyoung was heading to class, he had his earbuds in and was humming to the song he was listening to, he was having a hard day again, he tried to stay calm but sometimes everything just piled up a little too much for him.

If he had a choice he would stay in bed but with exams as close as they are he really couldn't skip again so instead he decided to go to class since not going would just make him more stressed.

What he didn't expect though was an all too familiar tall long-haired guy to call him out in the hallway in front of everyone, they usually just meet up by chance or sometimes they would meet at the park from time to time but this was different.

"Oi Wooyoung" the gruff voice called out, Wooyoung didn't hear him and kept walking, only when Insoo pulled on the hood of his hoodie did he actually react to it; he spun around and looked at the older with big eyes as he quickly removed his earbuds.

"You really shouldn't walk with those things, you never hear anything with them in," Insoo said to him causing Wooyoung to smile a little.

"Sorry hyung... so you were calling?"

"Yeah... what time does your class end?"

"Well, it's only supposed to be an hour long... it's mainly just to ask questions for the exams" Wooyoung explained.

"Oh well, I was going to ask if you would like to come over after your class ends, I found some old notes that would be helpful for your exams but I forgot them at home..." Insoo said and rubbed the nape of his neck, it was unusual to see Insoo like this, sure they haven't known one another long but the older was usually really blunt and straightforward.

"I would like to, do you have any classes right now hyung?"

"Nope, I was going to hang out around here until you were done"

"Great, would you like to come with me? To my class I mean, it's cold outside and Mr. Park doesn't really mind people sitting in on his classes," Wooyoung said.

"I would like that"

The two walked towards the classroom together, they talked a little every now and then when something came to mind, little things that happened at either of their practices occasionally gossiping about Seonghwa and San and how whipped the two were for one another.

The two left everyone in the hallway looking at them in confusion, the department's bubbliest and the department's scariest were walking together and they were in their own little world, it was almost as if both were out of reach almost as if it was just an illusion... the two people they never thought they would see interact with one another were having a full-on conversation.

And to all of them suddenly Insoo didn't seem as scary, his eyes had a small sparkle in them as he was looking at Wooyoung it made everyone wonder what actually happened between the two, just what exactly did Wooyoung do to get Insoo to look at him like that.


The class came to an end quite quickly, they walked towards the campus exit together and Insoo helped Wooyoung with his helmet again and soon enough they were off.

They arrived at the flower shop, Wooyoung happily took in the view, the flowers were bright and it made him feel really warm inside... he even wanted to ask Insoo's mom if she was looking for part-time workers for the university break that was coming, he could use a job and the flowers made him feel better every time he looked at them.

Wooyoung happily greeted Insoo's mother and then followed the older guy up to the second floor.

"I'll go get us drinks, my room is to one over there, I'll be right there," Insoo said and pointed to a door that was to the furthest right, Wooyoung nodded and walked towards the room, he opened the door and walked in carefully almost as if he was entering without permission.

He looked at Insoo's room and smiled a little, it was really neat, it was mainly black and white, it looked nice, and he could tell it really suited Insoo, he walked over to the desk and took a seat on the chair, he didn't want to mess up the neatly made bed.

"Here you go," Insoo said when he walked over to Wooyoung and handed him a glass of juice, Wooyoung happily took it and took a sip.

"Hmm the notes, I marked everything that is important for the exams, if you want you can stay a bit longer, I am tutoring the boys later and you both share the same classes I think," Insoo said and Wooyoung looked at him with big eyes.

"Really hyung?"

"Of course, you still look stressed out so at least studying together will help you a little" Insoo explained and took a seat on his bed.

"Thank you hyung, I really appreciate it" Insoo ruffled Wooyuong's hair.

Wooyoung ended up staying until later the day; he helped out at the flower shop with moving things around, Insoo went to pick up San since the boy was just finishing off his part-time job and Hongjoong and mingi were going to come a little later Wooyoung stayed behind and helped Insoo's mom with making some food for when everyone got there.

"Wooyoung-ah" she called out, Wooyoung looked towards her curiously.

"Thank you," she said with a small smile.

"Oh I like cooking, so I do-"

"Not that, thank you for meeting Insoo."

"Huh... Hyung? Why?" he asked, confused.

"Well... Insoo hasn't exactly been able to feel emotions for a long time you know? So he doesn't exactly have a good reputation but somehow these last few weeks it seems to be slowly changing, he looks happier than ever before, even happier than when he stands on stage... he's got that little sparkle in his eyes again" his mom said with a fond smile.

"But... How did I cause that? It probably wasn't me" Wooyoung said with a small smile, he didn't think he could actually make Insoo feel something like that, they hardly knew one another.

"Well you are the only other person he knows aside from his band members, he worries about you and talks a lot about you as well... it is you Wooyoung don't ever doubt that"

Before Wooyoung could say anything Insoo returned with San and soon after Hongjoong and Mingi joined them as well, they all ate together and then started studying.

Every time Wooyoung got excited about understanding something, Insoo would look at him fondly, causing his friends to all share a look and smile a little... It seemed like the cure to Insoo's emotionless state had been found in a boy named Wooyoung that was like sunshine personified.

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