Part 3

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When they met again it was a little different, Wooyoung was leaving his department and heard the sound of a guitar coming from afar, he followed it absentmindedly and found the boy sitting on the grass jamming on his guitar.

He couldn't help but watch in silence, he was in awe at how focused he looked but yet he looked emotionless, he didn't look like he was enjoying it at all and it made Wooyoung wonder if the boy actually liked playing guitar or if the boy even liked music at all.

"Take a picture and leave already," the guy said and stopped playing, Wooyoung flushed red knowing he got caught.

"I uhm wanted to say thank you for the chicken," Wooyoung said softly, the older looked at him with his eyebrows knit and frowned at him, Wooyoung felt frozen in his spot, by the intense look from the older guy.

"Oh it's you, you're welcome I guess? Can you leave now?" he asked in a monotonous voice.

"Yeah sure... I don't want to be a bother, bye" Wooyoung said and hurried off, he even tripped over his own feet since he was basically speed walking but he luckily caught himself again, his face was flushed red and he felt embarrassed and he didn't even know why.

Insoo watched as the boy walked off, and he felt a little weird... his heart felt weird he just took a deep breath and went back to playing his guitar.

When Wooyoung joined his friends for lunch he was even more dazed than before, he didn't even really know why he just felt out of it and Insoo was on his mind the whole time, the song he played sounded really sad and he wondered why it was so sad... Was it something that he felt? He wondered if Insoo was actually okay.

For Insoo he joined his bandmates for practice and as they were playing he felt his mind drift towards the boy who showed up in front of him once again. When they took a break his friends looked at him a little confused.

"Hyung is everything okay?" Hongjoong asked Insoo.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"I'm not sure, you actually looked like you were enjoying playing? I don't know how to explain it" Hongjoong told him.

"I always enjoy playing"

"No I mean it was actually showing on your face," the boy said to him causing Insoo to look at him a little confused.

"Hmm nothing is wrong or different than usual, let's just get back to practicing, I have work after this" Insoo said and started strumming on his guitar again, everyone else followed but they all just followed but they definitely knew something was different with their friend.

Once their practice was over Insoo left almost instantly, there was one thing he hated most in life and that was when he let his mother down, so he really didn't want to be late.

He parked his bike outside the duplex building and walked towards the flower shop. The shop was on the first floor and they lived on the floor above it, it was quite convenient for them.

"Mom I'm back," The boy said as he walked into the shop, he saw a short lady behind the counter, her long brown hair was tied into a ponytail and she wore a baby blue apron. Insoo walked over to her and placed his helmet down on the counter and gave her a hug.

"Welcome back Innie, how did practice go?" she asked.

"It was good, we are playing another gig on Friday," he said as he broke the hug.

"So soon? Did Joong's boyfriend like Midnight that much?" she asked looking up to her son.

"Yeah, how has the business been today?"

"Good, we might get a job for a wedding soon so I am going to have to find help soon," she said.

"That's great to hear... I can ask around the university if there is someone who needs a job" he said and his mom nodded with a small smile.

He started getting to work by cleaning up the shop and replacing the water the flowers were in, he was softly humming to the song they were practicing which made his mom look at him fondly, it was the first time she saw her son look so at peace, sure he had no expression like usual but there was something about him, the air around him didn't feel as suffocating as usual.

It was the first time in 10 years that she has seen her son act like this and she couldn't help but smile knowing that something happened that made her son feel something again.

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