Part 8

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It was only two days before the exams started Wooyoung and his friends all gathered together at the competition venue, they were nervous but they were also a little confident, they all knew they practiced hard and it wasn't their first competition so they knew they would do well plus they had supporters who came especially for them.

The members from Midnight came to watch them, they were supposed to practice as they were performing the day after but instead, they all decided to come to support the dance group who they grew quite close to.

Their club was up next so they were all making sure they were fully ready they were hyping one another up with encouraging words and soon enough their names were called, they walked onto the stage and introduced themselves, the song and what they were going for with the choreography before proceeding to their positions.

The music started and all their nerves disappeared. It was as if the music possessed their bodies and they were completely different people, they danced their hearts out, putting all their energy into it.

When the song came to an end and they were finished they were out of breath but they had the biggest smiles on their faces and the crowd was cheering loudly, you could hear San, Mingi, and Hongjoong yelling out to them and Insoo was looking at them proudly, he believed that their team would win because the amount of energy that they let out was amazing.

The competition went on the boys were nervously waiting for the competition to come to an end so they could hear the results.

When all the teams were done the judges went for their discussion and once they were done all the teams were called to the stage, everyone stood there, Wooyoung hoped that they would win or even if they didn't win he hoped they got a good score but even if they didn't he knew they did their best and that they left a good impact.

They started announcing from 4th place and the longer they waited, the more they lost hope but when it got to first place it was almost as if everything slowed down when it was announced, they did it... they won, first place was theirs and they couldn't believe it.

The announcer handed them the first place trophy and they just looked at one another in disbelief before they started laughing and crying, they felt like everything was just a dream. It felt surreal but it wasn't.

When the event finished they met up with their friends who came to support them, who kept praising them and asking them more about how they came up with everything, Wooyoung watched his friends with a big smile.

"You did great today" he suddenly heard a voice behind him, he turned and found Insoo standing there with his hands tucked into his leather jacket.

"Thank you hyung~," he said, his smile growing even more if it was possible.

"Now tomorrow won't be to just kick off the exam season, it will be to celebrate your victory," Insoo said walking closer and patting Wooyoung's head softly.

The two just stayed like that for a little while without saying anything. Seonghwa cleared his throat which caught their attention.

"We are going out for a drink, are you two joining?" he asked.

"I am going home, I need sleep," Wooyoung said.

"I will take him home, I also need to get rest, Mingi, San, Hongjoong don't stay out late. We have rehearsals tomorrow morning," Insoo said while looking at his bandmates who all nodded with teasing smiles.

After the two left the group of friends all shared look, Yeosang, Jongho, Yunho and Seonghwa were a little confused, the image they had of Insoo was very different from how he actually was the rumors in the end just turned out to be rumors it seemed and they were happy about it seeing as to how attached Wooyoung had gotten to the older boy they were scared he would end up getting hurt.


Wooyoung arrived at the campus early, he was there before rehearsals started. He wanted to cheer on Midnight even if it meant he would be at school the whole day instead of studying, but he did bring his books with him just in case.

He was wandering around hoping to find Insoo or any of the other members, he ended up walking to the band practice room and there he found all the members patiently waiting for rehearsals to start.

He knocked softly and then entered.

"Today it's my turn to cheer you all on," He said when they all looked at him with smiles. They all chorused out thank you's and Hongjoong patted the empty spot on the couch next to him so Wooyoung could sit down.

"Shouldn't you be studying though Wooyoung? We have our first exam tomorrow" Mingi asked and San nodded in agreement.

"That's why I have this with me," Wooyoung said holding his bag up with a small smile.

"I have all the notes from the tutoring session and the notes I got from Insoo hyung," Wooyoung said and then looked at Insoo with a big smile.

"Good, you can stay here and study if you want, our rehearsals start in like 5 minutes so you can stay here since there will be a lot of noise," Insoo said and Wooyoung nodded with a thankful smile.

When Midnight went for their rehearsals Wooyoung stayed behind and studied some more, he found everything a lot easier since Insoo helped him study. Also the notes the older boy gave him made everything a lot more simple and he understands it easier than the messy and confusing notes he made in class.

Time passed by the rehearsals came to an end and Wooyoung's friends joined them in the band room, Yeosang, Yunho, Mingi, and San joined Wooyoung in studying while the others studied on their own or were just doing their own thing.

Eventually, the event started and Wooyoung and his friends were in the front row ready to enjoy some fantastic music, Midnight came on stage and the crowd went wild, the screams could be heard from far away and the energy everyone had was wonderful.

They started playing and everyone sang along, Midnight had their own original songs and they also had songs they covered but everything they did was well known around the campus.

"The next song is dedicated to our wonderful dance club, they won a big competition yesterday, if any of you are interested in dance please go check them out and apply," Insoo said before they started the next song.

Everyone started cheering for the club's win. It made the boys all feel very happy hearing it and they also heard a few people around them talk about joining the club may be an that made them happier than anything else.

Wooyoung was having the time of his life this time instead of just watching in a daze like the first time he saw Midnight he was enjoying himself, he sang along to every song he knew and when he and Insoo made eye contact the older boy suddenly smiled for the first time and Wooyoung felt his heart melt, it was a beautiful smile and he hoped he would see it more often. 

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