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I was tagged by fearlessxspinjitzu so here we go...

I was tagged by fearlessxspinjitzu so here we go

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1: I like...my boyfriend

2: I sure as heck hope so

3: Chelsea 

4: taken

5: my boyfriend 

6: lover of mine- 5sos

7: 69% on here and 45% on my phone

8: her name is Lizzie

9: my boyfriend

10: Jaya, Jaya, and Jaya

11: I made it to write and read Ninjago stuff back in 2018

12: on my phone it's me with my man but on here it's of a boyband I used to LOVE. I wrote a fanfic about one of the members and it's almost at 100k on one of my other accounts.

13: I don't want to put in on here but I'm 16

I don't want to tag the same people as fearlessxspinjitzu so I'm just going to tag browhal1 and if any of you guys want to do it you can

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