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These are all from Fearlessxspinjitzu ...

These are all from Fearlessxspinjitzu 

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A. Nope

B. My boyfriend 

C. Well, I have a boyfriend soooo...

D. Water

E. My boyfriend 

F. My boyfriend (this is becoming very repetitive)

G. One of my irls I haven't seen her in a while but I miss her

H. (There's no H I'm shook)

I. ...my boyfriend 

J. People who are more athletic than me. I'm not naturally athletic and it takes me a while to pick that type of stuff up, so I'm jealous of people who get it easy

K. The_lightning_ninja cause I don't want to put my name on here 

L.  4 years with my best friend (I've had longer but this is the longest current one)

M.  Yeah not putting that on there if I'm not putting my name

N. (Dang no n either)

O. (Or o)

P. My og internet friend from my other account 

Q. "What score did you get?" on every test I take cause people want to beat me

R. Ninjago exists

S. Something on one direction radio on pandora

T. 10:30 (whoops)

U. I don't have Facebook

V. Once while playing soccer, a girl and I slammed heads against each other. I don't know if that's violent but oh well

W. I'm paranoid. I'll think of the worst possible scenario and panic about it

X. I only have one ex and I never loved him soooo...

Y. My mom from last night

Z. Pisces 

Jay, jay, JAY

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Jay, jay, JAY


Okay, so I haven't watched rebooted in a while, but the love triangle makes me hate it. On the other hand, season 11 was pure trash, so I'm torn

Season one. I just rewatched it, AND IT WAS SO GOOD. Like it was pure gold. There was more Jaya there than in seasons where Jaya are actually together together.

Possession... I said what I said

Nadakhan cause the man is a genius 

Amber so I could have everything

I've always liked the idea of a villain tha ends up swapping the ninja's powers. I might write a fic about it cause I love the idea

Ray and Maya, I don't know why I just love them 

Haven't watched it yet. I'm waiting for the version with the English voices to come out

It's so rushed. There was SO much potential wasted

I'm too lazy to tag so anyone who reads this 

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