SotFS and DotD

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I really love how the fandom comes together to hate on Day of the Deparred and Secrets of the Forbidden Spintizu. I haven't seen more people agree on anything more than they agree on how trash they were.

In my opinion Day of the Departed was worse (it was a super cool concept that was ruined by it being completely rushed). I honestly think they only made it for three reasons:

1: So they didn't have to deal with Cole being a ghost anymore

2: To introduce Dr. Saunders before Hands of Time to make it more surprising that he was Krux

3: To get more money off of sets

And then SotFS was SUPER predictable, mostly filler, and uninspired. It's as if they wanted to make the most generic season possible. It had it's good moments (like when Kai kept getting slammed against walls when they were trying to escape), but for the most part it was bland, and pretty much no one debates that.

 It had it's good moments (like when Kai kept getting slammed against walls when they were trying to escape), but for the most part it was bland, and pretty much no one debates that

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(No hate towards SOG I just found this online)

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