Season 13 (Master of the Mountain) Teaser Trailer

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So, the teaser trailer to season 13 came out this morning, and I have to say it looks pretty cool. The animation looks really good, and the scenery itself looks cool.

I know it doesn't represent the whole season (considering there was only 30 seconds of clips) but if it does...Kai and Jay fans are screwed

The Skull Sorcerer looks really cool (sorry for this low quality picture)

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The Skull Sorcerer looks really cool (sorry for this low quality picture). All of the fight scenes looked really cool and dynamic. They also have a very spooky aesthetic which I really like. 

People are hypothesizing that the skull sorcerer is Clouse, but I honestly just think that they're their own person and not some previously existing villain. I could be wrong though.

I've seen a lot of hate about Princess Vania online

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I've seen a lot of hate about Princess Vania online. A lot of people were roasting her, saying how they don't want her to be anything near a love interest for Cole, and so on so fourth. I don't have an opinion either way yet. It's too early to ship/ not ship people when you've seen maybe 2-3 seconds if interaction between them. We don't even know if there's going to be anything romantic between them anyways.

What I'm curious to see is Lloyd's reaction to Vania. Considering his experience with Harumi, I wonder how he's going to react to her, if he'll trust her, etc. It's obvious Lloyd is still hung up on Harumi, and I wonder if that is going to affect how he views Vania.

 It's obvious Lloyd is still hung up on Harumi, and I wonder if that is going to affect how he views Vania

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I don't know where this is from, but I saw it online, and it seems plausible. I wonder if the Shintaro Kingdom is one of the 16 realms or if it's somewhere in Ninjago. Personally, I hope it's one of the 16 realms because I enjoy all the different realms 

This is the only time we see Nya, Jay, and Kai in the whole trailer (you can see Kai next to Zane and you can see Jay's foot next to Nya)

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This is the only time we see Nya, Jay, and Kai in the whole trailer (you can see Kai next to Zane and you can see Jay's foot next to Nya). 

I'm personally excited for the next season, but it probably won't be out for a while considering Prime Empire hasn't even been released in the US (whoops I watched it on YouTube)

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