Chapter 11 - Fools and blabering celebrities

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            "Now come on, Arabella! We've got to get a good spot to see The Marvel! He'll be coming on stage any minute now," Lacey dragged me with her to the front of the already thickening crowd.

            "Lacey, stop pushing people so hard, they're starting to look at us like we're weird."

            "So," she says, "Let them think what they want to think about us. I'm going to get a chance to see my role model and idol up close for the first time ever."


            "No buts. Because I could have gotten his autograph before, but someone decided to go run off and get saved by The Marvel, which ended the signing. I want the chance to be in close proximity with my hero. Now shut up and stand still." She tells me.

            I crack a little smile and shut up.

            Maybe I shouldn't tell her about those couple times that I have been in close proximity with her hero.

            It took a couple of more minutes for the crowd to settle down and for the announcer to come up on stage, none other than our mayor, Randy    Waters.

            "Good evening Empire City," he paused for the cheers, "Super day had been a celebration in our amazing city for twelve good years. A celebration that our city is no longer in terrible danger. Now, I would like to take a moment for us all to think about why we are having this festival, a moment of silence if you will."

            The Mayor's words had somehow gotten almost the whole festival to quiet down. Everyone knew the terrible things that had happened right in this very square twelve years ago, me better than anyone.

            "Now," he says, getting the crowd to start talking again, "That day is over, and I'm proud to say that it will never happen again, especially with the best super in the world guarding our front steps. Give it up for The Marvel!"

            As soon as he was announced, the crowd went wild. Everyone loved The Marvel, everyone except maybe for me. The festival goers became happy once again, letting themselves forget that day that they just relived.

            He came flying in from the top of a building one block over. He's such a show off, isn't he? The crowd cheered again as he passed right over our heads. He landed gracefully on the stage, which got him a few more cheers. He walked over to the microphone and greeted the crowd with a simple, "Hello." It took a couple minutes until the screaming girls stopped fangirling.

            "Hello, Empire City," he paused for effect, "Whose having fun?"

            The crowd went wild, again. If he didn't finish up soon, I'd be deaf by the end of the festival. Lacey, however, was probably screaming the loudest, just my luck to be standing next to her.

            "Now, I heard this was a party! Whose having fun?!" he puts his hand to his ear for effect, which just encouraged the crowd more.

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