Chapter 1

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A Different World by

Chapter 1
When you wake up, everything is blurry, so you close your eyes and open them again. "Much better", you say as the blur is gone.

Where am I ? And why- you stop asking questions to yourself because you realized something: You are lying on the floor. A very very very filthy floor... Eww.

You try to get up, but you can't: your hands and feet are tied up.

Suddenly, you feel something tickling your bare feet and you laugh. You look down to see what it is.

It's a rat! You hate rats! You let out a little scream.

"Don't be afraid!", the rat says. A... talking rat? "You... You can talk?", you say in disbelief. "Ofcourse I can! This is Neverland!" Neverland? Where on earth is that! You have never heard of that land before...

"Now, let's get you out of those nasty ropes!", the rat says. You nod slowly.

The rat begins to gnaw at the rope around your hands. He is almost done, when suddenly the door of the room opens and a tall man steps in.

The rat jumps away and hides behind a table.

"Does the ground please you, (y/n)?", the man asks with an evil grin on his face. His voice.. Sounds so familiair.

You growl and say: "How do you know my name!" He comes closer and puts his hand, wich is a hook, under your chin. "That's none of your business, you pesky little child!"

You begin to lose your temper: you are damn fifteen! "I'm not little! And don't call me pesky, or-" "Or what?" "Or you have to deal with me!", a male voice says. Although you can't move very much, you try to look around.

A boy is standing in the big window of the room. He seems to be around your age, maybe a little older. He has orange hair, is wearing green clothes and on his head he wears a green hat with a feather in it. Mmmm he surely came from a carnaval parade.

How did he even get up there without being seen by us? "Peter Pan! You always come to ruin the moment, don't you?",the man shouts and he pulls his sword out of the sheathe.

So... His name is Peter... Peter Pan. You like his name, it makes you chuckle.

You watch as the man tries to hit Peter with his sword, which is no succes, because he avoids it all the time.

Peter stands in front of the table now and yells to the man: "Come and get me... If you can! Ha!" The man runs towards Peter and almost hits him: you gasp. In the last second he jumps up and avoids the sword. Now the sword is stuck in the table.

Peter chuckles and jumps from the table to you. "We don't have much time", he says as he cuts the ropes with a dagger, "Hook will have his sword out of the table any second now."

You nod and look at Peter: he looks cute. Wait- What did I just think?

"Go to the roof of the boat and jump when I say", he whispers in your ear, which makes you blush. Hopefully he didn't see that.

Wait what. Boat? You didn't even know that you were on a boat!

You quikly stand up and run trough the open door. You hear Hook screaming and Peter chuckling. I hope he will be ok, you think when you run through a hall.

Crap: there are so many doors here. Which one will lead to the deck?

"It's your turn to wash the deck!" "No it isn't!" Voices of men... And they are coming closer!

You quikly look around for a good hiding place: there! A closet! You run to the closet and pray it is not locked...

Dang it! It's locked! You panic and close your eyes, hoping it is all a bad dream.

They are almost here: 4...3..2- the footsteps are fading away. Slowly you open your eyes. They must have taken another way! Phew... If you follow them, you get on the deck for sure!

You run to a wall and look careful around the corner: two men are walking upstairs. One of them grumbles: "Fine! We'll wash it together!"

You wait till the men are on the deck.
Then you walk to the stairs and start going upstairs.

Probably there will be more men on the deck... That thought gives you goosebumps. "Do you want to escape or not?" , you ask to yourself.

You take a deep breathe and step on the deck.

A/N: Cliffhanger I suppose? Hehe =) I hope you enjoy this story so far XD I would love to hear your opinion❤️
I can't promise that all chapters will be this long, although I will try to do so ;)

A Different World ll Peter Pan X ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt