Chapter 5

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A Different World by

Chapter 5
You look around: the pointy rocks popping up everywhere and the cool brease that comes in don't give the place a comfy look. You shudder.

Suddenly, something catches your eye. A few feet away from you, a big, black spot is plasterd on a long rock.

You carefully walk towards the weird, black thing. Another pebble falls on the ground and the black thing moves.

You gasp. It lives! You watch as it changes its form. How longer you watch, how more it looks like...Peter!

You fastly walk the last part to the silhouette. It must have seen you, because it shrinks to your height and waves at you.

It can't be... "Are you...Peter's... shadow?" you ask in disbelief. The shadow nods and flies in a circle on the rock.

"Aren't you supposed to be with him?"
He shrugs his shoulders and smiles. There is a chance he knows where Peter is.

"Do you maybe know where he is?" The shadow seems to think for a while and finally nods. He gestures you to follow him. He shoots from rock to rock, sometimes waiting for you untill you are with him.

After a while, he stops at a very big rock with sharp points. He gestures you that you have to look behind the giant thing.

You take a deep breathe and carefully move your head behind the side of the rock. To your surprise, Peter isn't there. I could have known...

"Hey (Y/n)"

"HOLY FRICK!! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" you say and you turn around, facing Peter.

He holds up his hands and says: "Sorry...are you mad at me now?"

"About tha- Hé! Give my bag back!"

He circles above you. "Mmmm...No." He swings the bag from his right hand to his left and back again.

"Peter! Give it back!" You jump and try to reach it.

"Okay, okay." He makes a move to give it to you."But first, tell me how you got here", he says and he pulls the bag back again, chuckling.

You look annoyed at him. "Fine, but promise me to give it back!"

"Ofcourse!" He grins playfully. Mmmm I don't trust that grin...What if he keeps it to make me do things? Crap.

You sigh. "I teleported... again. With-" You hesitate. What if he wants to have it? You shrug the awful thought of your mind.

"With this", you say and you grab the amulet from under your shirt, showing it to him. "It's the star...",he whispers. He's right, it looks like one of the stars I saw on my balcony, you think and you turn it around. Huh? There's something cerved in!

You try to read it, but it are symboles that you don't understand. You stroke your finger over the little symboles.

A message enters your mind: 'Don't use the magic without studying it first' You shake your head and the message dissapears. That must be the translation...Why should I study it? I have it pretty much under controle now...

You look up to Peter. "My bag please." You hold up a hand.

He looks at your shirt, where you putted the amulet. "You think that your amulet can also fix my shadow?"

You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know...Maybe. You want me to try?"

Peter nods. "Alright." You sigh. Better he gives my bag after that.

You grab the amulet and close your eyes. You feel a strong tension between two things around you: as if it are magnets that want to get to eachother. That must be Peter and his shadow.

You concentrate on the tension of the two and imagine you put them back together. You feel a whirlwind starting to blow around you and although you have your eyes closed, you see a short, bright flash.

The wind is lying down again and you slowly open your eyes.

"(Y/n)! You did it! My shadow is back!"
Peter flies in a million circles, looking at his shadow following him. You become a little dizzy from watching him.

"Ofcourse I did!" you say with a smile on your face.

"Soooo...uhmm...Can I have my bag now?" You hold up your hand again.

Peter flies away a little and looks at your hand. "Okay, you ge- Hé!" A figure takes him down and takes him in a roll over the ground.

"PETER!" You run towards Peter and...Peter? Confused you look at the two boys who look identical to eachother. They even both have my bag!

"O my...who of you is the real one!" you exclaim. Maybe I should have study it before using...Now I have to deal with this.

"Me!" they say singronic. One of them holds the other one to the grond, holding his wrists.

This is actually going to be pretty interesting..."Prove it!"

A/N: My bad for the short chapter, sorry❤️❤️❤️I hope you guys enjoy the story >< And please give me feedback UwU See you guys in the next chapter!❤️❤️DON'T FORGET TO VOTE, FOLLOW, READ, COMMENT and SHARE!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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