Chapter 2

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A Different World by

Chapter 2
Everywhere were you look are men. Some with long, some with short hair. Some with eye-patches and some with big hats. Some even miss an arm or leg!

They make you think of pirates... Wait! This is a boat, well, actually it is more like a ship. They must be pirates!

To your surprise, none of them really sees you: Like you are invisible or something... Strange.

You decide to take advantage of the situation and slowly begin to walk to a nearby roof of the ship.

Suddenly, your bag begins to glow: First very bright, and then dull.

A few seconds later, the pirates begin to yell and point at you: "A girl!" "We kidnapped her!" "She tries to escape!" "Get her!!"

Shoot. Why can they see me?!

They are driving you to the roof of the ship with their sharp weapons.

"Wait!", someone shouts, "Let her jump from the plank, harr!" "Yes! That's gonna be fun!" Nonononoooo it is totally not!

You look over the roof. Huh? Was that-?

You did not dream it: next to the roof, on the other side of the ship, is Peter! And he... Flies?!

"Now!", he says, demping his voice a little, so only you can hear it.

Still looking at the pirates, who almost push you of the ship with their weapons, you step on the roof.

They look confused as you let yourself fall with a big smile on your face.

"Wait... I don't hear a splash!", someone notices. "Probably she's still falling, our ship is floating quite a distance from the water." On that moment, Captain Hook comes on the deck: "What's going on here? And where is that stupid Pan!" He looks around angrily.

O God. What is Peter taking so long?
"Peter!!! Where are you?!", you scream. Still no sign from him and you're falling very fast.

The water comes closer and closer. Well, this is the end, I guess. That Peter Pan works together with that damn Hook for sure! Why did I trust him...

The water is only a few meters away from you now. Goodbye world, at least my aunt can never beat me up again if I die here.

You close your eyes.

*Silence for the tension hehe*

Plot-twist: you died! Nah jk😂

Suddenly, two arms are wrapping under yours. "Missed me?"

"You- what in the world took you so long Peter! I thought I would die!"

He chuckles and says: "I would never let a girl so beautiful as you die."

"You're not going to flirt your way out of this", you say, a little angry.

He brings you to a nearby island and drops you a few meters. "Hé! What was that for!", you say as you stand up.

"For not saying thank you", he says, smirking and he lands a few feet away from you.

I am so done with this boy. You walk towards him, till you are standing very close to him: your faces only a few inches apart.

Peter looks at you. Confused. You see he is starting to blush and you grin.

"I-I uhhh... What is your name?",he finally says as he steps back.

You chuckle and say: "(y/n). I see the flirty boy is not so flirty anymore now, huh?"

"I- um...We can better go to my hideout, before the pirates discover us"

Trying to change the subject? Fine. "Your hideout?", you say, "And were might that be?"

"I will bring you to it!", he says, very excited. And he wraps his arms under yours again. You don't know why, but it feels nice.

Peter flies higher and higher and you are so scared that you close your eyes and yell: "Peter!! Put me down!! Now!"

"Well, if you don't open your eyes right now, I will let you fall again", he says and chuckles.

He won't do that, would he? For all safety, you carefully open your eyes.

O my god: you are next to a rainbow!
You stretch your arm a little to touch it. To your disappointment it feels like nothing, but there is rainbow dust sprankling of the rainbow. It looks so beautiful that you laugh.

"What a beautiful laugh you have, (y/n)", Peter says. You try not to blush, but you can't help it: you at least are as pink as a flamingo..."Concentrate on the flying, wonderboy!"

"Ofcourse I do that, don't you worry. "
You roll your eyes: that boy is such a flirt! You look down and see a forest. "Somewhere here it is", he says.

He flies down now and you can see something that looks like a wooden slide. Wait. Slide? He's not planning to drop you there, right-?

"Have fun!", Peter says, chuckling. Oh, how I hate his chuckling now! "Peter! Noooo!!" But it is to late: he already dropped you on the slide.

You try to stop sliding, your hands and feet searching for grip. But it's no use: you are sliding very fast, and trying to stop only gives you burns. "Auch!"

You see the end of the slide coming and you scream.

"Someone is coming!", an unfamiliar voice yells.

Before you can ask yourself who it is, the slide ends and you fly a few meters into the air, landing loudly on the ground.

"O my gosh! That Peter is going to pay for this!" you say, while you rub your butt.

You look around to find six boys in animal onesies standing around you.

"Uhh.. Hi?", you say.

A/N: I'm gonna leave it here, because it's over 900 words! That's pretty much for me XD. Do you still like the story? I would love to hear your opinions!! <3 <3 <3
MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW, READ, COMMENT and SHARE!! Love you all (idc that there are only a few of you XD) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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