The Run Away Prince

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It was the day of the trail, The Trail of The Sea. This trial is where the three sons of Jupiter, the king of the sea, are put throw tests to see who will be the next king. I am Brandon the second child of Jupiter. I really didn't want to be the king so I did really bad on purpose. Today was the day we got the results back. My older brother, Austin, was there with his girlfriend, Bri, and my younger brother, Ritchie, looked super excited, I could tell he wanted to be king while I was just there praying that I'll not be chosen. Father called out my name as the next king!? I felt tears well up in my eyes but not of happiness, they were tears of sadness. I ran off into my room.

At night I decided to run away. I think I may of over reacted. I made flower crowns for both of my brothers before leaving. When I was about to leave I heard a voice from behind me.
"Brandon what are you doing?"asked Austin.
I swam as fast as I could as I heard Austin call the guards over. I kept swarming until it was morning. I laid down on a rock to take a nap. I slept well until I felt the sun light disappeared.

I hid as I watched two little kids jump off the boat and played around in the water. All a sudden the waters became too ruff for a human to swam in. It was like the sea itself was mad. I had to save those kids. I graded the kids and used my powers to get them the ship. Dad was mad that I was gone. After I saved the kids I fell asleep once again. When I woke up I was on the ship. Suddenly the door opened and I saw a girl with a wizard hat? and cape? Who is this girl?

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