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It now has been a couple of months since I swam away. Lucas and I shared a room and bed which I'm happy about. Today we continued the search for a way for Funnet to get back home; since she rejects leaving. When we were about to leave I started to feel like something was going to go wrong.

While on the way a storm came out of no where.
"Umm... Guys I think my dad knows I'm here" I said.
"Well that just great!" David yelled.
Funnet and I used our powers to keep the ship from sinking while Colin and Lilly used theirs to fix the damages. All of a sudden we heard Kay let out a yelp. She fell over broad.

"Brandon you have to help her she barely knows how to swim with her tale let alone with legs!" Jakey said.
I quickly took off my shoes and jumped into the water. I spotted her and used my powers to throw her back onto the boat.
"Brandon!" yelled a familiar voice from behind.
I turned around to see my brothers.
"Why did you just save that human? You know father doesn't allow us to have any content with humans even if it's just saving them" said Ritchie.
I swam away as fast as I could.

I turned my head to see that Austin and Ritchie were following me. The others leaded at a remote island to wait for me and for the storm to pass.
(Funnet's POV)
It was been a while and Brandon still hasn't came back as yet. The others and I are starting to get worried.
"I'm going after him" I said.
"But how?" Michael asked.
I pulled out a potion with a picture of a mermaid on it from my bag.
"I like this" I said as drank the potion making sure I left some behind.
I jumped into the water, the magic from my wings went to my legs, but not all the magic so I have tiny wings, this turned me into a mermaid.

I swam around frantically looking for Brandon. I saw two other mermaids catching him. I followed them without them noticing me. They cornered him in a cave.
"Come back with us now and I promise you nothing bad will happen" said the one in the hat.
"No I'm happy where I am" replied Brandon.
They grabbed him and was about to bring him back to their father.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled as throw one of my spells at them.
"He has someone helping him! Will that was unexpected" said the one with blue hair.

"How did you turn yourself into a mermaid?" Brandon asked.
"I'll explain later" I said.
Suddenly the guards came and all around us.
"Prince Brandon thank the gods you're all right and you are charged with the kidnapping of Prince Brandon" said one of the guards.
I was so confused when he said that.
They think I kidnapped Brandon!? I thought.
"No! She do not kidnap me! She was helping me!" Brandon yelled.
"What did you do to him you witch!" yelled the guard.

(Brandon's POV)
We were taken to Bri for her to check me to see if I'm under a spell. Thank the havaens that she didn't check Funnet.
"Tomorrow you two will have to speak with the king" said Austin.
They locked us in my room and borded up the windows.
How are we going to get out? I thought.

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