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(Brandon's POV)
I was sitting on my bed as I watched Funnet look for a way out.
"So tell me how did you turn yourself into a mermaid?" I asked.
"A potion, it will only wear off when I drink another one" replied Funnet.
I looked a her wondering how did she make this potion. When she turned around I took out a box from under my bed. I opened the box to relieve that every time my family mistreats me I pull out one of my scales and put it in the box. I pulled out one more scale then placed it in the box.

Suddenly the door opened and a few guards and Ritchie came in.
"Father wants to speak to both of you" said Ritchie.
"What does he want?" I asked.
"I don't know" replied Ritchie.
They lead us the my father's torwn room.
Like always he was sitting on his torwn with his trident in hand.

"Yes father" I say.
"I called you two here to receive a punishment for trying to swim away and to disgust your crowning" said father.
I noticed that Funnet looked a little scared, I'm not going to lie I was also scared. My father noticed that Funnet had wings and went wide eyed.
"I thought your kind went extinct" said father.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"This girl is the least of her kind! She's a fairy mermaid, a hybrid between a mermaid and a fairy!" said dad with joy in his voice.
Oh dear what is he planing I thought.

The room filled with whispers with my brothers looking on shocked. My father had a huge smile on his face and now I'm starting to worry.
"Brandon I think I found you a new wife!" said my dad.
Funnet and I looked at each other knowing what we were about to say.
"Dad I don't think this would work because I like a guy" I started.
"And I'm in love with a girl!" Funnet finished.
My father slammed his fist down and started to yell.
"Will not have the future king of this kingdom dating a guy, has been and will always be king and queen, king and king or queen and queen" my father started, "you will marry her no matter what".
I ran to my room to cry.

(Funnet's POV)
I saw Brandon swim off to this room with crystal tears in his eyes.
"Brandon..." Austin started.
"He will be fine" said Ritchie.
I looked feeling a little guilty while Brandon's father stand there with hatred in his eyes.
"What a kind of  stupid parent doesn't except their child for who they love!" I yelled.

Ritchie and Austin took me to a spare room.
"This will be your room until the wedding" said Ritchie.
I slammed the door close. I used my magic to send a massage yo the others.

(Michael's POV)
I got a massage from Funnet and immediately went to tell the others. While reading we couldn't help but start to cry. Lucas was taking this very badly. I sat down then I realized that Funnet left behind some of the potion. I message her back to ask her what to do. She said to wait until the wedding, she will see if she can convince Brandon's father to have the wedding near Surface while Colin, Lilly and Bryan use to mermaid potion to sneak into the wedding and we improvise from there.

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