The Wedding

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(Brandon's POV)
Today is the day where Funnet and I get married. I am so nervous, Funnet told me that she has a plan. She managed to convenience my father to have the wedding near the surface. Hopefully the others will not fail us. Ritchie came to help me get ready. I put on my outfit.
(Image not mine)

Just portent it has no pants

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Just portent it has no pants

It is a different outfit from what I originally choose because my father didn't like. I'm pretty sure he did the same thing with Funnet. I wish none of this had to happen.

Everyone in the kingdom were there. I looked around for a little bit then I saw Colin, Lilly, Jon and Bryan had turn themselves into mermaids. Funnet's plan is coming together. They all were wearing fancy dresses.

Lilly's dress-

Colin's outfit-

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Colin's outfit-

Colin's outfit-

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Jon's outfit-

Bryan's outfit-

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Bryan's outfit-

(Images not mine)

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(Images not mine)

Funnet and I agreed that when that they ask us if take each other as our husband and wife, I'll say I do and Funnet will say I don't. Then Colin or Lilly will throw one of their magic attacks into the crowd and at the guards. I felt very nervous, what if the plans goes wrong? That if one of us dies? No! I can't think of that!

I saw Funnet being walked down the ail by the head guard. I was right father did make her choose a different outfit.
Her dress-

(Image not mine)

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(Image not mine)

We said our vows and now it is time to put the plan in action.
"Brandon Diablous will you take Funnet Afton as you're wife throw sickness and health?"the persist asked.
"I do" I said.
"Funnet Afton will you take Brandon Diablous as your husband throw sickness and health?"the priest asked.
"I *inhale* *exhale* don't"said Funnet.

Suddenly Colin and Lilly fired off their attacks. Funnet and I swam off with Bryan and Jon leading us where to go. I was a kind of worried that Colin and Lilly might get captured but was the least of my worries right now.
We hid in a cave to catch our breath and wait for Colin and Lilly. We waited for a little bit until Lilly and Colin swam in.
"Come on let's go!" Colin yelled.

A bunch of guards were on our tails. We swam into a cave that leads to the surface. I used my powers to push us all up to the surface. My tail immediately turned into legs while Funnet said a spell that reverse the potions effects. We ran to the boat. We took off as fast as we could.

(Ritchie's POV)
The Priest asked Funnet if she will take my brother as her beloved husband, she said I don't, then all of a sudden something blurred my sight. When I regained it my brother and Funnet were gone. I heard someone yell that four mermaids were swimming away with Brandon and Funnet.

Me and Austin swam after them with some of the guards. I saw them swim into a cave, we swam after them then they disappeared. Austin noticed that there was a hole leading onto the surface.

We poked our heads up to see where they might have gone. We saw a boat taking off from an island that was very close to the wedding area. We decided to follow it to a remote island.

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