50 Shades of Arrogance

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Before I had a chance to explain myself, Mattia harshly grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. I tried to free myself from his grasp, but it only made him hold onto me tighter.

"Mattia, you're hurting me" I winced, I could feel my wrist starting to bruise up as we got outside. The cold air hit me like a brick as he pushed me up against the wall.

"Oh really? That fucking hurts? How about if I shot you in the leg right now? Would that fucking hurt?" he hissed at me, pressing his gun against my skin. I gulped, knowing how killing people was normal for him. He had no mercy for this type of thing.

"Please don't" I whispered as my eyes heated up with tears. He saw a tear slide down my cheek and moved his gun quickly, running a hand through his hair.

"Let me see your wrist"

I stayed quiet, keeping my arms by my side. I was frightened he'd hurt me again, I guess I never prepared myself for this side of Mattia Polibio.

"I said let me see your fucking wrist" he repeated, louder this time. His tone was aggressive, causing me to quickly put my arm out. He held my wrist and examined the bruises. His touch was gentle this time, as he ran a finger over the swelling. Lightly enough so it didn't hurt. His eyes were full of remorse.

"It needs ice, get in the car" he said bluntly, allowing my wrist to drop by my side again.

"Bastard" I muttered under my breath, but he still managed to hear it.

"The fuck did you just say?" he yelled, pushing me back up against the wall with one hand around my neck, and the other holding a gun against my head.

I should've stayed in the fucking car.

"I'm offering to help you and I'm a what?"

I shut my eyes tight, praying he'd just let me go home and we could forget about all this.

"Nothing, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it" I spluttered, trying to breathe as he tightened his hands around my throat. He narrowed his eyes at me and released his grip, causing me to double over, gasping for air.

"I'm usually a nice guy, I just hate when people try get in my fucking business by following me" he said, putting the gun away. I watched him as he walked over to the driver's side of his car.

"Get in"

"But my car-"

He looked over and saw my car across the road.

"I'll get someone to get it in the morning" he shrugged, getting in. My throat went dry as I remembered the file in the front seat. I quickly ran over to the car, unlocking it as I got closer.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Mattia's voice thundered behind me, but I grabbed the file and placed it in the trunk. I locked the car, placing the keys in my pocket as I walked back over to his car.

"I had to get my phone, I was looking for it" I lied as he started the engine.

"So where are we going?" I asked, knowing full well we were going to his house, where the rest of his people would be.

"A hotel"

My eyes widened when the words 'my house' didn't come out of his mouth.

"Why? Can't I just go home?"

"Not till I find out what the fuck possessed you to follow me"

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"Are you really about to act like you're not into me?"

He kept his eyes on the road but tightened his grip on the steering wheel. I noticed his knuckles were quickly turning white.

"We can talk about that at the hotel too" he said calmly. The way he was being so relaxed about this angered me even more.

"What if my Dad sends out people to look for me?"

"Why would he do that? Is he a cop or something?" laughed Mattia. Little did he know.

"I'm serious, he'll be worried"

"Just fucking call him and say you're staying over at a friends house" he said impatiently. I sighed and texted Dad that I was staying at Bella's house.

Bella had been a friend of mine since we were young girls. We grew up together and had never lost contact since. She was practically my bestfriend. And that meant she'd know exactly what to say when Dad calls her in twenty minutes and asks if I'm at her place. I'm taking a shower - works every time.

"How long does it take to send a text?"

I looked over at Mattia and furrowed my brows.

"So there's a time limit?" I asked in annoyance.

"Stop being so bitchy" he shot back as we entered the parking lot.

"Bitchy? I think you should be thanking me for saving your fucking life" I shouted, turning my body to face him. I never raise my voice at people, but Mattia was starting to make my blood boil with his cruel words.

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, eyeing me suspiciously. I shook my head at him, opening the door.

"Guess that's another topic to talk about" I said, slamming the door behind me.

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