Indescribable Pain

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Olivia pulled her hair up into a messy bun, before starting on her makeup. As she dabbed concealer on her skin, she saw the balloons in the mirror's reflection. The 25 was still floating in the air, despite her birthday being over a week ago. Her boyfriend had made it so special for her, the only downside was that she wasn't allowed to invite her Father, or Bella. Neither was she allowed to leave her boyfriend's house. Ever.

There was a knock at the door as she applied her lip gloss, and a soldier appeared from behind it. He gave her a once over, causing Olivia's skin to crawl, but she plastered a smile on her face instead. She hated those soldiers with every fibre of her being.

"Boss wants you in his study"

Without waiting for her reply, he closed the door quickly, and she heard his footsteps become more distant. Upon finishing her makeup, Olivia made the bed that the two would sleep in and turned on her phone. As she made her way to his study, she started a voice recording, placing the phone in her back pocket.

She knocked on the door, waiting patiently for one of the soldiers to open it.

"She's here" he said, turning to his boss. He looked up from the papers on his desk and smiled at his girlfriend of three years. The rest of the soldiers dispersed, leaving the two alone in the room.

"Hey baby" he said, walking to the front of his desk and leaning against it. He beckoned Olivia towards him with his finger, and she abided by taking a few steps closer. Without warning, he harshly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest. His lips met her neck and he began kissing her roughly, placing one hand on her upper back.

She was taken aback, but had no right to show it. She was treated like a doll, but had no right to object.

"Hey" she said quietly, watching him eagerly lick his lips as she placed her hands on his chest. She peered over his shoulder and saw the pile of papers. It was a list of terms and conditions.

"What's that, love?" she asked. He stopped for a second and followed her gaze to the papers. He held her wrist and walked her round to the other side of the desk. He never held her hand, she was treated as if she was an object, there was no love.

"This" he said, placing his hands on her shoulders, and pushing her down into his seat "is how we kill Mattia Polibio"

Her heart dropped when she heard his name. All the deep feelings she'd once felt for him came rushing back. She knew she was doing this all for him. Yet it still felt so difficult. Knowing that Mattia had no idea that she was doing this gave her some peace. He'd be more hurt seeing where she was, who she was with. She planned on never telling him.

"How do we do that?" she asked, much to her boyfriend's delight. He pulled out more papers, allowing a sick feeling to set in Olivia's stomach.

"This is the annual Masquerade Ball" he said, pointing to the papers "everyone wears a mask so they're hidden, and everyone is allowed one knife, no other weapon"

She nodded slowly, taking in everything he was saying. Usually, these kind of things would leave Liv more frightened than ever, she would lose sleep thinking about these kind of mafia events. But she'd already been through hell for three years. Nothing could scare her more than her own boyfriend.

"And I'm taking you" he said, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked up at him, shaking her head. Her mission was to gain information, not to get stabbed by someone in a mask.

"What? I thought this was Mafia leaders only"

"It is, but we have to bring people with us obviously, I'm taking you and a few soldiers"

She swallowed, looking at all the papers. She wasn't scared over a knife, she wasn't frightened by the idea of getting stabbed. Hell, she wasn't even scared of death anymore.

But the idea of coming face to face with Mattia Polibio caused her blood to run cold. Leaving her more petrified than ever.

"Okay" she said blankly, staring at the papers. She felt his hand on her shoulder as he leaned closer to her ear.

"Guess what the best part of all this is?" he whispered, gently biting her earlobe. Liv forced a smile and looked at him for the answer.

"You're going to kill him for me"

Olivia held her breath and clasped her hands together under the table. Her palms had become sweaty, she felt her eyes heating up. The worst part of all this, was that she didn't have a choice.

"Can't wait" she said, her voice cracking. He placed a finger underneath her chin, tilting her face up to him. His eyes were cold, there was no emotion.

"Why are you crying? I thought you hated him"

"I do" Liv said, wiping her face quickly "I'm crying because I've waited so long for this"

A proud smile spread across his face as he kissed her lips. When Liv kissed him back, she leaned upwards, causing her phone to fall out her pocket and hit the floor with a loud thud.

He pulled away and walked towards it quickly, leaning down to pick it up. Liv's eyes widened as her heart started beating out of her chest.

"It's my phone" she said, reaching out to take it, but he held it away from her, his lips curving upwards. Just then, a soldier burst through the door, getting his attention.

"Boss, we've got a problem" he said, gasping for breath. He must've ran here, meaning whatever it was, was urgent. He rolled his eyes and handed the phone to Liv. She took it and held it in her hands, waiting to be dismissed back to their room.

"I'll see you in bed" he smirked, pecking Olivia on the lips before leaving the room. She let out a sigh of relief and quickly ended the recording, forwarding it on to her Dad.

She made her way to their room and undressed herself, getting in the shower. No matter how much soap she used, she still felt dirty. She still felt filthy after being touched by him. She rubbed the bar of soap against her skin, desperate to rid all traces of him. The tears flowed down her cheeks, quickly washed away by the shower. Defeated, she threw the soap on the floor and sunk to the ground, leaning against the wall. This mission had hurt her on a whole new level. She'd put herself through a different kind of hell.

But it was all for him.

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