milwaukee beverage

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The group sat at the docks, watching chaos unfold right in front of them. The coast guard and medics were pulling out a man on a gurney, and Lennon was trying to get a closer look, until JJ pulled her back with a disapproving shake of his head. His blonde curls fell in front of his eyes, Lennon quickly noticed and pushed his hair back and she saw his ocean blue eyes and got lost in them as he pecked her on the forehead.

Their antics were stopped when they heard the cry of, "Scooter, oh my god."

Lennon couldn't help but feel bad for the women, she knew Mrs. Lana. She got up to consolidate the girl, but JJ quickly pulled her back again, but this time in admiration. He didn't know how Lennon could care so much for others who simply could care less about her.

"Who's that," John B. questioned rudely, Lennon hitting him in the back of the head. John B. groaned in pain and shoved the girl back into JJ's arms. JJ wrapped his free arm around her waist pulling her into him and she smiled brightly up at him.

"It's Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got, dead bodyyy," Lilah, a fellow party pogue, said as she showed the group the picture.

"What kind of boat did he have," JJ questioned throwing Lennon a slide glance as her and Pope discussed the dead body. It was something her and Pope had in common, they were both into forensic science.

"Somehow that dirt bag copped a brand new grady white," she said. Pope and Lennon quickly gave her the phone back and shot eachother worried glances. John B. looked to JJ as she said, "Everyone's our looking for it." JJ looked at Lennon who was looking right back into his baby blue eyes. She wrapped an arm around Kie and headed back to the boat.


The four of them were sitting on John B's front porch. John B's was throwing his beer bottle upside down, after being told how dangerous the simple action was from Lennon. JJ was flicking his lighter, something he always did when he was anxious. Lennon wouldn't point it out in front of the gang though. Lennon was laying next to Kie on the couch, plaiting her hair as Pope walked in, panting.

"Okay, so uhm- we didn't see anything. We don't know anything. We need to have complete and total amnesia," Pope said catching his breath. He went to take a seat on the couch, and Lennon sat up straight and let him sit down. Lennon laid back down her hair now in Pope's lap.

JJ clenched his jaw before speaking up, "Actually, Pope's right for once."

"Pope's right all the time, actually," Lennon muttered making Pope smile at her and Kie laugh. John B. just shook his head, knowing she was right.

"See, I agree with you sometimes. Deny, deny, deny," JJ said getting up and moving over to where John B. was.

"Guys we can't keep that money," Kiara said, tying her braid that Lennon made.

"Okay. Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara," JJ snarkly replied.

"She's right. We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs, J," Lennon added.

"Otherwise, it's bad karma," the other girl added.

"Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too," Pope joined in. "We gotta go dark."

drowning - J.M DISCONTINUED UNTIL S2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora