the glue

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After the events of last night, Lennon went home to her other 'family', which really only consisted of her deadbeat dad. She walked home only to see Sherrif Peterkin with her dad in the officer's arms. She quickly rushed over to the woman. The teenager had grown quite fond of the sheriff as they had met when Lennon was at the age of 5. Since then, Peterkin has helped Lennon stay out of trouble and occasionally brought her dad home after he was past the point of legal intoxication, which is where they were at now.

"Hey, Peterkin. If you could help me just-"

"Just put him on the couch, Lennon. I know, we've been down this road before," Peterkin cut her off.

"I-. Uhm, yeah. Hold on, let me just clean the area," Lennon said trying to grab the beer bottles of the couch and living room, so that Peterkin could drop her dad on the couch.

"Lennon, sweetheart. The suns coming up, so what on earth are you doing walking back home with a black eye. And I'm not even going to ask about the rest of your body," Peterkin said walking out of the house with Lennon in tow.

"I was headed here to grab some more clothes and head to John B.'s house. I got into it with some Kook at this party, Peterkin. It's nothing and don't you dare call child services on Andrew for these scars. You promised," Lennon said tears in her eyes, finger pointed at Peterkin.

A while back, Peterkin promised Lennon she wouldn't call child services and put the girl in a foster home, as long as Lennon had good grades, worked some shifts, and stayed out of trouble. Lately, Lennon was on thin ice, Peterkin knew about the incident with Topper and she also wasn't oblivious to the fact that the teen was digging into something she shouldn't.

"Well, as long as you're headed to John B.'s I guess I can take you there," Peterkin sighed motioning for the girl to get in the car. "I was on my way there, 'till I got a call about your dad."

Lennon looked around wondering how she could get herself out of this one, realizing she couldn't she shrugged her shoulders, "Thank you, Peterkin. I owe you," she said getting in the car and putting her seatbelt on.

"You owe me plenty, kid," Peterkin said. And with that they began the way to John B's.

The car ride was driven in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, more like inviting. Peterkin was thinking about the speech she had planned for John B. and how she was gonna give Lennon the same one, and Lennon was thinking about how John B. was doing after last night. Peterkin slowly brought the car to a stop and rested her head on the steering wheel.

"You kids are gonna be the death of me," she sighed with a slight smile on her face.

"Here, let me get out first and tell him you're coming so he can be in the uhhh right mindset," Lennon rushed, quickly getting out of the truck to warn John B. and help pick up the beer bottles on her way. She went through the living room and tried to pick some stuff up, thankful Peterkin was taking her time. The brunette made her way to John B's room and sighed noticing he was having a nightmare.

She slowly sat him in her lap and ran her finger though his hair, "Johnny, you gotta wake up. It's all in your head. I'm here, right here just wake up," she soothingly said trying to get the boy out of his trance. John B. woke up panting and instantly calmed down when he saw Lennon. He got up quickly wondering why she was even there.

"Lemon, hey. Uhm. What's going on," he asked slightly stuttering still stirred by the dream about his dad.

"Peterkin's here and I think it's about DCS, so make yourself presentable," she said getting up and letting the boy get dressed. As soon as she walked out of the room, Peterkin came in.

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