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Vevana always passed by an old lady who sat by the roadside whenever she was going to school

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Vevana always passed by an old lady who sat by the roadside whenever she was going to school. She was not only old but weak and looked wretched. Vevana made it a point to share her meat pie with the old lady. She did this for more than two years, sharing her meat pie with the old lady.

One day, she asked the old lady if she was having a family. The old lady said," I don't have a family now.They said I was a witch and cast me out of the family."

"Why did they say you are a witch?" the girl asked innocently. The old lady said, "I was born with a special power.

Vevana said, "that's very sad but I am your friend and I will always help you."

The old lady's revelation that she had special powers did not scare Vevana. She continued giving the old lady the meat pie.

One day, she wanted to give the pie to the old lady as usual but the old lady said, "No.Not today, my grand-daughter, It is now my turn to reward you for your kind gesture. Bring your hand"

Vevana stretched her hand towards the old lady and the old lady recited some magical words, "Algiz Algiz Jera Wunjo Nauthiz Uru dzinscahizara xurantalu xitupuxiri."

"You can leave now, my grand - daughter,"the old lady said. Vevana left.

When she was going,she turned back to look at the old lady but alas! The old lady was NOT there .She had disappeared.

She never saw the old lady by the Roadside again from that day on.

After three weeks,Something changed in Vevana. She realised that anything she touched became better.Sick people were healed when she touched them. Sad people became happy when she touched them. The poor became rich. The barren women became fertile and the lazy ones became hard-working.

She became famous and rich in her town and was finally made a queen of the town when she grew into a mature lady.

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