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The three sons of Hades-Time, Disease, Death

One day, the king of the underworld, hades,decided to award one of his three sons for the role they played in bringing humans to his kingdom. His sons were Time, Disease, Death.

In order to receive the award, hades gave his three sons the opportunity to justify why they deserve the award.


TIME : Father, I am the controller of all events in the world and outside the world. I transformed babies into adults and adults into old men, making them easy for my brother disease to weaken them and eventually handed them to death.Even during the weakening process, I help. I gave them time to weaken them and when they are handed over to death, I gave death time to decompose them.With all this , I believe the award should be mine.


DISEASE: Father, time is simply making a- one sided argument. What is the usefulness of time if I can affect young people with myself without allowing them to grow into adulthood? I just need to attack them. Pure and Simple.
Ok.let's even say time's claim is valid, if time transformed a baby into an adult, without me, the adult will be in good health without tasting death and you won't get any servant so you see I am the essential bridge that link time and death. 


DEATH : My father .You know I am the most aggressive of all your sons. I deliver lifeless human bodies to you on daily basis. Without me, they will be alive and won't come to You. Your kingdom will be empty. I don't need time and disease to kill anyone. I just do it. it's simple There are countless people I killed who are not sick. There are many young ones I took away who don't have to grow into adults so I think I deserve this award.

The Lord of the underworld weighted the arguments carefully.Each of his sons made very valid points. He concluded that disease needed time to capture and weaken a person, death need time to kill and if time were to deny death ,time , no one will die because death takes time even if it is five seconds. Disease and Death need time to operate. Even after death had brought the person, time is still needed to cause the body to decay.
With this in mind, hadés declared Time the winner and the recipient of the award.Even time is needed to receive the award.

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