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I have always been a moody boy from infancy to my high school days

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I have always been a moody boy from infancy to my high school days.
I never realised how it affected my view on happiness but people

round me, especially my friends knew about this and they tried all they could to make me
happy.Somehow, they succeeded.

When I entered University of Reems to offer
languages, I begun to see life from a different
perspective. I saw myself as a guy who
deserved to be happy. After all, I had my whole life ahead of me.

I became closer to one teacher in particular.
His name was Mr.Edwin Glyn.For an unknown reason, I saw him not as my teacher but as my father , perhaps, because he had some striking semblance to my father.

One day, he gave the class an assignment.
It was an essay entitled, " Four reasons why you love your father."

When I saw the title of the essay, my hard
won happiness escaped through the window, as if chased by an invisible mob, glamouring for its life.Sadness descended on me like
clouds on the horizon,in its frantic effort to replace the previously happy sentiment that had suddenlybetrayed me.

I began to shake with emotion, my legs wob
bling like an unstable toddler.Sweat emerged under my skin and make its way through the pores into the entangled folds visibly gathering on my face, in its determined efforts to merged with the tears trickling down my cheeks, with such a speed that one would see my whole system lacked equipoise
on that forlorn moment.

I was oblivious of the fact that my colleagues
were starring at me , been mesmerised by my sudden mood swing the moment the
assignment was given. I tried to control
myself and succeeded for a few seconds
before the remaining stream of tears
temporarily locked behind my eye balls suddenly broke the weak barriers and flow freely on the paper on which the assignment which caused this sentimentality was written.

I stood up and moved towards the entrance of the lecture hall without uttering a word
to Mr.Edwin who was completely shocked by my mood.

"Jerry , what is ....."he had initiated a question
but couldn't finished it before I dashed out of the classrooms, hundreds of eyes, starring curiously at me.

For three days, I couldn't go to school.
Eventually, I went back to school on the fourth day.I went to Mr.Edwin and suggested I want to meet the whole class so that I
could explain to them why I became emotional and teary three days ago when the assignment
was given to us. He agreed and announced it to the class.

There was stone silence when I entered
the hall because everyone was curious to know why I couldn't write a simple essay about my father.I sat down on a chair and
began my sad narration.

"My fellow colleagues, I want to begin by
saying I am sorry for creating pandemonium in class on Monday. It was because I couldn't
control my emotion."

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