three / dingers

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My leg bounced frantically as I sat in the back of the church, attempting to aim all of my attention on the pastor up front. I clearly could have been doing better, and Evan kept sending sideways glances at my fidgeting legs.

The flight for Australia left tomorrow, and I couldn't be more excited. And nervous. My bags and boards were packed, so there was really nothing to distract me from the sermon other than my bubbling excitement. In all seriousness, Pastor Matt was speaking on the subject of dedicating all that you do for the honor of God, and it was pretty applicable for someone who was heading out to be a professional athlete. Realistically, he might have planned this lesson just for my sake before I headed out.

The closing prayer had just finished when my dad began pulling me along to say goodbye to everyone at church. The Kents, a couple that knew my mom through her work at the hospital, came over and offered their congratulations and best wishes. After a few more formal goodbyes from some of the other families, I snuck off to play with a few kids from church that I used to babysit. They were all congregated on the small playground outside, and I ran up to them with a smile, sundress swinging around my legs.

"Hey Connor, Evelyn, and Lindsey, how are you this week?"

Evelyn, the middle child and the chattiest of the three, spoke out excitedly, "Great! We got to go swimming yesterday and saw our friends in Sunday School this morning!"

Connor gave my arm a tug, begging for attention. "We heard you're leaving to be a surfer," he frowned, looking slightly unhappy about the news.

"Well, it's true but I'll be back before you know it. And then you guys can have a real surfer teach you how to surf when I come back!" I successfully cheered him up enough to get the three kids back on the monkey bars, and after a few trips down the slide Evan appeared outside the fence. He dangled the car keys from his fingertips, shooting me a look that told me it was time to make our exit.

I said my goodbyes quickly before heading to the passenger's seat of Evan's black jeep. My foot was already on the step up to the seat when I realized that it was already occupied. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked incredulously.

"We just couldn't resist spending our last day with our favorite little River," Noah cooed while kicking me into the back seat with Will.

"Our parents decided that we were having lunch together after church, and Evan offered us a ride back to your house," Will explained, "Hope that we don't kill your chances of going to some great party."

"Ah yes, the Sunday night homeschooler parties. Truly the biggest ragers around," I laughed.

"One of the reasons I am thankful that you're homeschooled," Evan called from the front as I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, I guess I will suffer through a few more hours with you all. Even though I did have plans to get the traditional shaved ice with Alani."
Will shrugged as he got out of the car. "We're playing baseball at the park after we eat. Invite her and her boyfriend along, the more the merrier. Or the more that I can strike out, either way."

I shook my head, realizing that I should have known that baseball would be involved. After sending a quick text to Alani who immediately responded excitedly I sat down with the rest of the family to eat. Everyone ate quickly, and after listening to our parents talk about their work lives for a while we quickly excused ourselves from the table. I changed out of my sundress and into a short sleeved shirt and running shorts and grabbed my old glove before jumping back into the car with the boys. My softball years were long behind me, but having a glove had proved to be essential when your brother was obsessed with the sport.

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