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"That guy is totally flirting with you" Jeongin squealed as they walk outside the coffee shop

"I am aware Jeongin, you don't say 'Can I just call you mine' to people you aren't flirting with" Seungmin rolled his eyes as he looked at his cup "He said it's too long but he wrote my name" he said and he laughed

Jeongin 'tsk'ed "Who wouldn't? He probably thought you're a het after he received an eye roll and a glare after he said that. You scared him!" he said as he slightly slapped Seungmin's shoulder

"I scared him? Jeongin have you seen his muscles?" Seungmin admired the guy's arms for a second, "Also his hand? Those veiny hands are my weaknesses how dare him?" he said as he remembers how their hands touched each other as he took his coffee "damn, he could bend me over in the counter as we wait for my coffee"

Jeongin nearly choked on his coffee as he heard what the older said, "I thought you were innocent Seungmin? You're kinky as fuck"

"Shut up" he replied. Eventually, they reached their school gate "It's almost nine, I still have classes. See you later Jeongin" as he waved his hands

"I also have classes y'know but yeah see ya" Jeongin waved back before going in a different direction

As Seungmin reached his room, he saw that only a few are already inside. He sat down in front of the class and placed his cup above his desk. He looked at it.

Seungmin <3

He smiled. Even though he rolled his eyes at the hot barista guy, he still got his name correct and added a heart in it.

The coffee shop was new and they wanted to try it since it's still early and it was the nearest coffee shop in the campus. The others are a few minutes walk away.

He doesn't know if the coffee was really good or he was just trying to convince himself that he should totally come back to the coffee shop whenever he can. It was new to him, someone flirting with him that caught his eyes. He was never interested with people bluntly flirting with him so he never really cared.

Until earlier, the guy was handsome and hot. He loved how his white shirt gave him a better view of his arms and shoulders, plus the beige apron he was wearing that gave him this cute look. He liked the way the barista's body looked like, not too thin and not too fat, just the average look... and he loved how it complimented his muscles.

"I'd love to be smacked by those arms"

Seungmin chuckled with the thought. What was he even thinking? His face blushed as he felt his dick twitched with the thought of getting smacked by the barista's arms. Not now, not in his morning class.

"Good morning class. Go to your groups and start working on your thesis" Mr. Kim, their Research 101 professor, said as soon as he got inside his class.

Seungmin heard people groan with what they heard, he just shrugged and took his coffee and went to his members.


/words: 531


Muscles and Coffees • k.sm • s.cbWhere stories live. Discover now