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"Oh! Hi~ just like yesterday?"

Seungmin nodded as he looked at the guy. Just like what he was thinking yesterday, he went back, but not with Jeongin this time, he was alone. He looked at the name tag of the guy as he processed the receipt.


Even his name is hot. Just like yesterday, his fit today is absolutely gorgeous. He was still wearing a white fitted shirt that gave out the lining of his shoulders and a beige apron which has a different design.

"Here's your receipt sir Seungmin" Changbin said as he handed Seungmin his change.

Seungmin looked at the guy, "You remembered my name?" he whispered but loud enough that Changbin heard him.

He heard Changbin chuckled, "Yeah, I mean, I remember names of cute guys I made a move"

"So how many are we now?"

"Just one at the moment" Changbin said and gave Seungmin a wink "Mind if I join you? I'm taking my break"

"Sure?" Seungmin nodded slightly, heart fluttering at the fact that Changbin's flirting with him straightforwardly, he then smiled and walked away from the counter, finding a seat for the two of them.

He looked for Changbin as soon as he took a seat, he was feeling nervous and excited at the same time. Letting a guy flirt with him is new to him but Changbin is so hot he was having butterflies inside his stomach.

"I'm gonna take my break!" he heard Changbin's voice from a far.

When he looked at Changbin, he was holding his cup already. He saw Changbin smile at him as he walked towards him. "Here's your coffee sir"

"Seungmin, just Seungmin. You're making me look old" he smiled back as he took his coffee. He instantly got his phone, took a photo of his cup and put it in his Instagram story.

"It's a form of respect for our customers" Changbin replied but got a glare from Seungmin, "But I guess we could work on that" he said as he took the vacant seat in front of Seungmin.

"You really do flirt bluntly huh?" Seungmin chuckled, looking at his name in the cup of coffee, the same as yesterday but is written in a red ink unlike yesterday that it was written in black, making the heart look red-ish

Changbin laughed, "There's no use in being shy, we won't be able to make a move if we don't flirt bluntly" he reasoned

"You got a point with that" he said as he took a sip, "You took your break already? It's too early?"

"As a matter of fact, we only get two breaks for the whole day. But since you're here this early, I'm sacrificing my ten minute break just to chat with you" Changbin said, making Seungmin's eyes widened "Oh—no, don't be surprised. I wanted to have a little chat with you so I took my break"

"But still? You wasted your break?" Seungmin laughed a little

"This is the only time I get to talk to you though" Changbin said, "Anyway, you're alone today? Where's that guy you're with yesterday? And why are you here at 9:30? Don't you have classes?"

"I have different schedules everyday, I have four subjects every MWF and three subjects every TTH, I'm free today until eleven" he explained, "And my friend Jeongin has classes, sucks to be a second year student"

"So you're on your third year now?" Changbin asked and got a nod as a reply

"What about you? You seem young to be a full time employee? A fourth year I guess?" Seungmin asked out of curiosity because it was true. If you're going to look at Changbin, it seems like he's just a year or two ahead of Seungmin.

"I actually graduated this year. I'm already twenty one. Thanks for saying I look young though" Changbin said and let out a laugh "You're the one who looks really young. Perhaps, nineteen?" he asked

Seungmin nodded instantly, "Yep. Turning twenty on September" he smiled at the thought.

"Ooh that's nice" Changbin said, realizing that they ran out of topics "Any questions? Don't you have any questions to me?"

"I actually do" Seungmin said but mentally slapped himself for the question

"Tell me about it"

Seungmin closed his eyes, fighting the urge to ask. "Seungmin stop" he thought.

"Are you into choking?"

Changbin, the one getting asked if he was into choking, choked on Seungmin's words, "W-what?"

"Don't mind what I asked haha" he said and instead of mentally slapping himself, he slightly slapped his lips "Stupid stupid stupid" he uttered

The older couldn't help but to laugh as Seungmin did that, "You're so cute Seungmin-ah"

"T-thanks I guess?"

"But I'm not into choking, I hate hurting people, but I guess I could try and experiment"


/words: 804


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