12. Finally.

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Hi. Again it's me  ^_^  ...

This version reached 1k views and I would like to thank everyone who's reading my story.

Especially to




Thank you guys for reading and for your sweet and kind words. ♥


Anjali's POV

Finally. Today Vicky will finally come to visit us. He kept his promise and had really called me back, but I had to wait six months for that day. Six months that felt like an eternity to me. Because things have happened during this time which I don't want to talk about. I was just happy that Vicky is on his way. I had already prepared the guest room for him yesterday. Now Siddarth and I were on the way to pick him up. The whole trip, I was so restless and my nervousness increased when we arrived at the airport. How should I react when I meet him? I know we knew each other, we were bestfriends, but how do you behave when you haven't seen each other almost three years. Lost in this thought, I didn't notice that Sid was talking to me.

"Hey sweetheart. Is everything allright?"  He asked worriedly.

I looked at him in suprise and then shook my head with a smile.

"Yes, I was just thinking about something."

He smiled back and said: "Okay, come on. Let's go pick Vicky up."

He opened the driver's door and got out. I was glad that Sid was slowly becoming the old one again. He had changed a lot since his accident. I no longer recognized him then. But I was strong and stayed by his side. Even if there are things about him that hurt me a lot, I let him because I loved this man.
I quickly got out of the car and called after him:
"Sid, wait for me!"

He turned and made a gesture with his hand.
"Hurry up."

I ran and held into his arm. On the way to the arrival area we saw many people coming towards us.

"Where is he?"  Sid asked, looking around.

I also looked around and then looked at a person. He had his phone in his hand and was about to call someone. I patted Sid on the arm and then pointed with my finger at this person.

"There he is."

Without thinking further, I shouted: "Vicky!"

He raised his head in surprise and looked for the voice that had called him. I started waving excitedly and he discovered me. With a big grin he waved back and came towards us. From a distance I could see that not much had changed on him. His cute dimples were visible on his face and on his head he was still wearing his dark fluffy hair, which I liked to mess just to annoy him. He was dressed in black. The matching jacket was hanging over his arm and with his other hand he pushed his luggage behind. When he approached us, I noticed that his shoulder was wider and his arms and chest had become more muscular. He has always been sporty, but overall this look looked very good on him. With every step that he was taken, my heart beat faster and I suddenly felt so warm. What was wrong with me all of a sudden? Why did my body react like this? It was just Vicky, I thought.

"Hello you two. I thought you've forgotten me."

"Hello, Vicky. Long time no see. How are you? How was your flight?"  Siddarth asked him.

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