14. The Accident

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Vicky's POV

It has been more than three days since Siddarth left the house in anger. He even hadn't called. Anjali also tried to reach him many times, but he didn't pick up or his phone was switched off. Since then she was no longer the happy and laughing Anjali I knew. These days I only saw her roam sadly around the house, so I decided to call my company and wanted to let them know that I would be another week late. As long as Siddarth wasn't here, I didn't want to leave her alone. When I had my boss on the line, I told him that it was private, family reasons. He thought for a moment, but then told me that it was okay and I could even stay longer. He would have work for me in the place where I am now. Two days ago, the subsidiary came forward and asked for support. He had sent two of my colleagues and since I'm already here I could still join this work. However, I would have to stay here for three months and he would let me have all the documents I need. On one side, I was relieved that I could still stay here, but for three months? I didn't think long and agreed.


I wanted to tell Anjali about the news and looked for her in the house. I knocked on her bedroom door but I got no answer. Slowly I opened the door and stood in front of an empty room. Where could she be? I went to the window and saw her in the garden, gently swaying back and forth on the porch swing. Probably she had cried again and went outside. Did she really miss Siddarth so much, or was there anything else she won't tell me? It couldn't go on like this and when she came back into the house, I confronted her.

"What's wrong with you? You are no longer yourself since Siddarth left. Well, you miss him. But somehow I have the feeling that there is more."  I said in a worried voice.

"How many times do I have to tell you? There's nothing, Vicky. You're imagining all this. Yes, I miss him and maybe cry too much about it, but I'm fine."   She tried to explain.

I shook my head and said:

"I don't believe you. I can see it. You're hiding something from me."

"What should I hide from you? I'm telling you again, I'm fine and I'm happy."

She smiled and pointed her hands at her. But her eyes had betrayed her as they began to shimmer.

"Stop it now! It's enough! Do you really think you can fool me with a fake smile?"  I yelled, which made her flinch back.

At first she looked at me mute then her look changed. Tears came to my eyes, too. Then I said to her calmy:

"With that smile, you can lie to someone else but not me, Anjali. I see it in your eyes. What happened to my little one? I thought we could talk about everything."

We both looked at each other with tears in our eyes when she suddenly came to me and hugged me tight.

"It's because of Sid."

She started to tremble and I felt how my shirt was getting wet. I gently stroked her back and carefully placed a hand on her head.

"I'm worried about him. And I'm afraid of losing him."  She sobbed.

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