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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 III



No one

Taehyung was only sixteen when it happened.
He was in the garden when gun shots were heard cries and screams cut through the air and he ran into the pack house through the back door, a part of him searching for the source of the screams, the other yelling at him to hide in his closet upstairs.


He heard one of his pack members link to him, Yugyeom, one of the pack soldiers, he hesitated, but he listened, he ignored the sound of chaos in the other rooms and as quietly as possible ran to his room, avoiding the main room, and he thanked the goddess that his room was quite far and secluded from the others. He grabbed the suppressants from his drawers and swallowed the pills dry, he ran to his closet and hid behind the clothes as best as he could, hoping the pills would be able to suppress his distress. He was anxious, what was happening? Where were his pack leaders? The children? Who was attacking them? Then, guilt flooded his mind. How could he be hiding while his pack was was being attacked? He should have gone to fight along with everyone.

What could you possibly do Taehyung? You're essentially useless in a fight.

His pack was nowhere near kind towards him, except for a select few like one of the maids that cared for him when he was sick, or the pack soldier that had told him to hide— Yugyeom. What happened to him? Was he okay? Taehyungs mind began to race and he was unsuccessful when he tried to link the male. The screaming and gunshots seemed never ending, but in an instant everything went quiet. Don't be a coward, he thought, determined, he began to slowly stand up until he heard a noise outside his room, it was a foreign scent, they didn't belong to the pack, distress began to fill the omega once again as he slowly slid back down and covered his mouth as to not let a sound escape. His door was slowly opened and it creaked loudly as the unknown person crept inside. Taehyung heard a gun being cocked and he flinched, sweat trickled down his forehead as he sensed the person slowly creeping closer to his hiding spot.

"I know you're in here." Taehyungs eyes grew wide when he heard a taunting deep voice outside his closet but didn't make a noise, maybe they were bluffing, he remained still, praying that they would leave.

The man clicked his tongue as he looked around, he smelled the scent of distress, although very faint, his eyes landed towards the closet, a smile crept onto their face, of course. He approached the closet while raised his gun with one hand. Just as he was about to opens the closet he heard a voice in his earpiece telling him it was time to leave. He scowled.

"Now, Min."

The said male got up and slowly walked out of the room, eyes never leaving the closet until he slammed the door shut.

Taehyung smelled the mans scent retreating but he stayed there another ten minutes, waiting, at this point the smell of blood invaded his nose and he quickly ran out of his closet and ran to the living area, the sight brought bile to his throat and he struggled to keep himself from gagging. His pack leaders were tied to chairs, large holes in their foreheads and their abdomens spilling blood and internal organs, he stumbled out of the room and went outside, he ran towards the nursing home, where the elderly and children resides, he was pleading nothing happened to the children, the poor pups, they must have been so scared. As he approached the building his nose was once again flooded with the scent of blood. No, Taehyung ran inside, only to see the dead bodies of the elderly and children scattered everywhere, blood covered almost every inch of the floor, then, he heard a faint cry down the hall from where he was, he immediately rushed towards the sound, his heart racing.

As he approached he caught a foreign yet pleasing scent, he stilled, it was extremely faint, but he knew he was alone, cautiously he moved towards the room where the crying was heard, he pushed open the door and he looked around, his eyes landed on a pile of box in the corner of the room. He walked towards them and slightly pushed a couple, all of them were empty except the one at the very bottom, it was taped shut, he successfully tore it open with his hands and the sight made his heart shrink. It was a baby boy, a newborn, layer on a pillow in the box and wrapped tightly in a blanket with a small cap on his head, it was so tiny, and he had lost his mother so early. Taehyung carefully picked the newborn up and cradled it in his arms, and instantly stopped crying, he grabbed the note from the box and look at what it said,

Please take care of my precious baby boy, he was born last night, and I couldn't give him a name, or the love from a mother so please, do it for me, take car of him, he is fragile.

    Taehyung was crying at this point, he could not read the name at the bottom of the note so he didn't know who to promise to, but nonetheless he promised to take car of the pup in his arms.

He couldn't stay there, it would soon be flooded by rogues, so he had to leave. He ran back to his room and grabbed a duffel bag, half of it was clothes, and the other half food for him and formula for the pup he luckily found in the cupboards, he took the money he had stashed within the safe in his room and the one within the safe in the pack leaders office, he knew the code only because he 'accidentally' heard it begin said a long time ago. He frantically looked for a pair of car keys in the office and almost yelled in happiness when he found one in one of the drawers, with the baby sleeping in his arms he ran out the the storage area where the cars were usually kept, he pressed the unlock button in hopes of spotting the cars lights flicker and ran towards it when he did. It was a black Escalade. Taehyung did not have car seat for the baby and he didn't know how to drive but he had to in order to escape. He cradled the baby in one arm and turned on the engine with the other. Slowly, he exited the storage building and reached the main road. Tears fell down his face as his pack house grew smaller in the distance, thinking, why me?


So this is more of like a prologue..ish. Storyline stuff  officially starts in the next chapter lol, this is also really sloppy and kinda messy so I apologize if it's confusing, it'll hopefully make some sense later on, this is just to get y'all somewhat familiar with Taehyungs background.

I hope y'all enjoyed don't forget to comment and vote if you like this chap! Take care and stay safe!<3

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