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"she's beautiful. she's absolutely perfect. not like the other girls here. but i can't get to close. i would scare her away. we come from two different worlds. she doesnt run with people like me. i dont know what my kind is. some say, im the brother of the devil. some say im just a servant of the devil. whichever i might be. i dont belong with her. 

i dont belong with anyone, i suppose. i cant socialize with anyone. i will end up going crazy on them. i dont belong in this society, i feel. my parents pushing me away at such a young age, who else do i have to go too; other then the one thing that has been there for me since i was seven. the devil. 

ive learned everything from himhe has taught me everything i need to know about life. i dont need a plan. i dont need a girl, i have myself, and thats all i really need. 

dakotas pov 

i felt a pair of eyes watching me, cold and dark eyes watching the backside of me. i am afraid to turn around, so i try to focus on my notes for college algebra. but the pair of eyes never leaving my neck. i hear long, dark breaths from the back of the classroom. trying to blink away the accusations. i try and tell my nerves that its just my tired thoughts making things up around me. im hallucating, i guessed. 

i continue to feel the eyes follow me to the dorm, but when i try and turn around i dont see anyone too supesion. i take one more long stare around the campus before i dive into the dorm that was assigned to me only a week ago. 

i dont feel like im being watched anymore, but to be certain, i close my roommates and my curtains and lock my door, to try and get some studying done. i know my roommate wont be here for another hour, so thats some silent time to just study or nap. 

i may just nap. 

(( i wanted to get the prologue up and so here it is. this wont be in both povs in each chapter. it will vary, but yeah.. also the rest of the book will be have caps, but i wrote the prologue with no caps. if you like this fanfic, please comment and vote if you like this story? i hope you it so much x.

dakotas on the side\top {played by emily kinney} )) 

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