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I sat up in my bed, I returned to the dorm a little after six because I had classes at eight. My roommate had already left for her class so I'm alone, you could say.

I push my hair back, giving it a big hair sweep. "O!" I jump, seeing a large O inscribed in my wrist next to the L my roommate pointed out. "What the hell?" I scream.

unknown: i have a surprise 4 u

I ignore the text and get dressed, before running to find Ian. I feel my heart beating faster, then faster I ran.

I hugged Ian the second I found him, pulling my long sleeve over my wrist, hiding my hand from him. "Oh. Hi." Ian chuckled then start conversing with his friend again.

I felt safer around Ian, rather then being alone in my dorm.

unknown: that fruitcake cant protect from me

I threw my phone in my pocket with a grunt, "sorry." I smile. Ian nods and begins his conversation about video games or whatever.

unknown: seems to be a nice little boyfriend you got, ignoring u and all

I shiver, as Ian peels away from his friend and starts walking me to class. "Ian, I need to tell you something."

"Can it wait? I need to get to class." Ian smiles, turning my way.

"Uh, yeah, I guess." I look down, hoping I can tell him now.

"Thanks, babe." He kisses my cheek and runs off. I sigh and walk into my college algebra class.

"He not want go talk to you." A boy that always sits next to me, William, I think he said his name was; smiles. I shake my head, realizing he had familiar voice.

"Can I tell you something?" I look at him, I consider half friends with him. He nods and I continue. "I have this guy and he won't stop texting me. The texts seem like he's in the same room as me." I state, setting my pencil down. "He frightens me, but at the same time, I feel like I know him from somewhere." William stared at me, his breath a familiar sound, then it occurred to me. "You're him!" I jump.

"What?" William smiles, more of a smirk. His smirk.

I run out of the classroom, right before the bell. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I hold my stomach, running to the bathroom.

I sit on the toilet, seeing L O U I S in spray paint on the bathroom stall's door.

I run my fingers over it, it was still wet. "Who is Louis?"


(( i hope u like this fanfic xx ))

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