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Maybe I just don't want to be here!

Is that so bad!

I can't cling to this hill like you do!

I have no claws!

But I have nowhere else to go!

You glare at me like it's all my fault

My fault that I can't climb

That my nails are bent and dirty

And I've been slipping down

And it is

In part

But I just hate this so much

And I don't want to do this anymore!

You bound your rope around me

And now you're angry I want to untie it

Isn't that okay?

Aren't I allowed to fall?

Aren't I allowed to fail?

You didn't need to me to do this!

I don't want to be dragged into this anymore!

I don't want to be dragged up!

I'll rise in my own time

But for now just let me rest.

I climbed the slope for hours

And in one second fell to the bottom again

I need to rest here

I don't know how long it will take

Bones don't heal on your time

They heal on their own

And I have to let them.

I'm rebuilding myself again,

After I already tried

I don't think I'll meet you at the top

You'll find some other slope to climb

But I've had friends here at the bottom

And I really don't mind.

I don't play to stay here forever

But it's not as bad as you think.

I'm not as eager to crawl my way out as you

I'm okay with stopping to rest

Source - unknown

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