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Bag of popcorn in your hands,

Insincere pity in your eyes,

Mocking laughter in your voice,

And hatred in your heart

As you stand in front of me,

In front of my friends and yours

In front of strangers we see in school halls,

The names of whom escape us

And you tell me I'm not it

That you don't want me anymore

Everyone's stuck in their own little bubbles

With their happy lives

Or their existential criseses

No one sees the tears in my eyes

Or hears the cracking of my voice

As I ask you why I'm not enough

But it feels as if they follow every move I make

Like hunters watching their prey

For the perfect time to pounce

You say it's not me that is the problem

That you just found someone better

You leave me standing there

With my hand raised

To reach out to you

And my mouth agape

To call out your name

My eyes bore into the back of your head

And my heart begs you to come back

But you are lost in the crowd

Of students standing like obstacles

Stopping you from looking back

Source : unknown

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