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I am a living zombie

I need no eyes because I do not see

I stumble around my home blind to everything around me

I need no brains because i do not think

I simply float along

following what others tell me

thinking hurts too much

I need no skin because i do not feel

Everything I touch just makes me feel cold I reach out to no one

my hands need grab nothing

Nothing physical is worth anything to me anymore

I need no mouth because do not taste

Food makes me gag

The fresh wash of air on my tongue is too much to handle

I am numb deprived of sensation

i stalk the earth like the empty undead

No one has noticed my subtle finality in my inner mortuary

Harbouring the scraps of soul I still posses

A shell of what I used to be

Source - unknown

Suffering In Silence |✔|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora